Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/455

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OF IRELAND. 15/ flourished all his life long, of whom I shall bee occa- sioned to say somewhat in the next Chapter. CAP. IX. Henry the eight. Gerald fitz gerald^e^u of Kiidare a mighty made man, full of honour and courage, who had beene Lord Deputy and Lord Iustice of Ireland thirtie foure yeares, deceased the third of September, and lyeth buried in Christs Church in Divelin. Be- tweene him and Ia?nes Sutler Earle of Ormond, their owne jealousies fed with envy and ambition, kindled with certaine lewd factions, abbettors of either side : ever since the ninth yeare of Henry the seventh, when lames of Ormond with a great army of Irish men, camping in S. Thomas Court at Divelin, 11 seemed to face the countenance and power of the Deputy : these occasions I say fostered a mallice betwixt them and their posterityes, many yeares after incurable, causes of much ruffle and unquietnes in the Realme, untill the confu- sion of the one house, and nonage of the other, dis- continued their quarrels, which except their Inheritours have the grace to put up, and to love unfainedly, as m 1513. From henceforward I have followed the relation of the wisest and most indifferent persons that I could acquaint myselfe withall in Ireland. Campion. ■ Register of Majors.