Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/458

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160 campion's historie opposed with diverse interrogatories, touching the Earle of Desmond his Cousin, a notorious tray tor, as they said. He left in his roome Morice Fitz Thomas Lord Iustice. After whom came over Lord Lieutenant, Thomas Howard? Earle of Surrey, Grandfather to this Duke of Norfolke, accompanied with 200. of the Kings guarde. While he sate at Dinner in the Castle of Divelin, hee heard newes that Oneale with a mighty army was even in the mouth of the borders, ready to invade : Immediately men were levyed by the Major, and the next morrow joyning them to his band, the Lieutenant marched as farre as the water of Slane, where having intelligence of Oneales recoyle, hee dis- missed the footemen, and pursued Omore with his horse- men, which Omore was said to lurke within certaine miles That espied a Gunner of Omore, and watching by a wood side discharged his peece at the very face of the Deputy, strake the visard of hishelmet, and pierced no further (as God would.) This did he in manner recklesse what became of himselfe, so he might amaze them for a time, breake the swiftnesse of their follow- ing, and advantage the flight of his Captaine, which thing he wanne with the price of his owne blood, for the Souldiours would no further, till they had searched all the corners of that wood, verily suspecting some ambush thereabout, and in severall knots ferretted out this Gunner, whom Fitz Williams and Bedloive of the Roche were faine to mangle and hewe in peeces; be- cause the wretch would never yeeld.

  • 1521.