Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/46

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subiection to the crowne of England. Neverthelesse thorough the most wise and valiant handling of that right noble Lord, it got not the head which the former evills found; for in them the realme was left like a ship in a storm, amidst all the raging surges, unruled, and undirected of any: for they to whom she was committed, either fainted in their labour, or forsooke their charge. But hee (like a most wise pilote,) kept her course carefully, and held her most strongly even against those roaring billowes, that he safely brought her out of all; so as long after, even by the space of 12 or 13 whole yeares, she roade at peace, thorough his onely paines and excellent indurance, [o 1] how ever Envy list to blatter against him. But of this wee shall have more occasion to speak in another place. Now (if you please) let us returne againe unto our first course.

Eudox. Truely I am very glad to heare your iudgement of the government of that honourable man so soundly; for I have heard it oftentimes maligned, and his doings depraved of some, who (I perceive) did rather of malicious minde, or private grievance, seeke to detract from the honour of his deeds and counsels, then of any iust cause: but he was neverthelesse, in the iudgements of all good and wise men, defended and maintained. And now that he

  1. however Envy list to blatter against him.] To blatter is to rail or rage. Thus the Blatant Beast is described with various barking tongues, F. Q. vi, xii. 27. Todd.