Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/467

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OP IRELAND. 169 to depose, but you shall finde their tongues chayned to another mans trencher, and as it were, Knights of the Post, suborned to say, sweare and stare the ut- termost they can, as those that passe not what they say, nor with what face they say it, so they say no truth. But of another thing it grieveth me, that your good grace, whom I take to bee wise and sharpe, and who of your owne blessed disposition wish me well, should bee so farre gone in crediting those corrupt informers, that abuse the ignorance of their state and countrey to my peril 1. Little know you my Lord, how necessary it is not onely for the go- vernour, but also for every Nobleman in Ireland, to hamper his vincible neighbors at discretion, wherein if they wayted for processe of Law, and had not these lives and lands you speake of within their reach, they might hap to loose their owne lives and lands with- out Law. You heare of a case as it were in a dreame, and feele not the smart that vexeth us. In England there is not a meane subject that dare extend his hand to fillip a Peere of the Realme. In Ireland, except the Lord have cunning to his strength, and strength to save his owne, and sufficient authoritie to racke theeves and varletts when they stirre, hee shall finde them swarme so fast, that it will bee too late to call for Iustice. If you will have our service take effect, you must not tye us alwayes to the Iudicial proceedings, wherewith your Realme, thanked bee God, is inured. As touching my Kingdome (my Lord) I would z