Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/469

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OP IRELAND. 171 appurtenances) incomparable, through Christendome, whereof Henry the eight is now called Founder, be- cause hee let it stand. He held and enjoyed at once the Bishopricks of Yorke, Durham, and Winchester, the dignities of Lord Cardinall, Legate, and Chan- cellour : the Abbey of S. Albans, diverse Prioryes, sundry fat Benefices in Commendam: A great preferrer of his servants, advauncer of learning, stoute in every quarrell, never happy till his overthrow. Therein he shewed such moderation, and ended so patiently, that the houre of his death did him more honour then all the pompe of life passed. The Cardinall perceived that Kildare was no Babe, and rose in a fume from the Councell table, com- mitted the Earle, deferred the matter till more direct probations came out of Ireland. After many meetinges and objections wittily refelled, they pressed him sore with a trayterous errant, sent by his daughter the Lady of Slane, to all his brethren, to Oneale, Oconnor, and their adherents, wherein he exhorted them to warre upon the Earle of Ossory then Deputy, which they accomplished, making a wretched conspiracy against the English of Ireland, and many a bloody skirmish. Of this Treason he was found guilty, and reprived in the Towre a long time, the Gentleman betooke himselfe to God and the King, was heartily loved of