Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/479

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OF IRELAND. 181 one special! article urged against him when hee lost his head, Anno. 1542. a Sir William Skevington, a worthy Governour, and among all vertues very just of his word, deceased Lord Deputy at Kilmaynam, and the Lord Leonard Gray succeeded him. b Oneale and Odonill colourably required a parley with , the Deput, but in the way as they rode, they burned the Navan, and the towne of Ardee. Wherefore the Deputy with the helpe of the Maior of Divelin lames Fitz Symonds, and the Maior of Droghedagh, and the English pale met them, flighted them, slew 400. of their trayne, and there the Maior of Divelin for notable service in that journey, was knighted. Sir Anthony Seintleger Knight of the Garter, Lord Deputy. He summoned a Parliament, wherein the Geraldines were attainted, Abbeyes suppressed, the King named supreme head and King of Ireland, be- cause he recognized no longer to hold it of the Pope. c At this Parliament appeared Irish Lords Mac Gilpahiclce, Lord Barry, Mac Cartimore, O-brene, and diverse more, whom followed Con Oneale, sub- mitting himselfe to the Kings Deputy, and after to the King himselfe, who returned him richly plated, created him Earle of Tyrone, his base sonne Matthew Oneale Baron of Don^anon. As for Shane Oneale •Hall. An. H. 3.32 & 31. b 1547. C 154S.