Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/483

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OF IRELAND. 185 the Sheriffes of Divelin, Buckley and Gygen, with the citties helpe, and over-layde them in sudden skir- mishes, of which, threescore were executed for example. Thomas Earle of Sussex, Lord Deputy, with whom came his Brother in law Sir Henry Sidney, Trea- surer.* This Deputy, to the inestimable beneflte of the Realme, brought under obedience the disordered countreyes of Leix, Slewmarge, Ofalie, Irrye, and Glinmalire, then late possessed by the Oconnores, Omores, Odempsyes, and other Irish rebells. Hee molested lames Mac Conell the Scottish Islander, that in those dayes joyned with the Irish, and disquieted Vlster. In which voyage Divelin assisted the Gover- nour with a faire company, conducted by Iolm Vsher Sheriffe, and Patrick Buckley. He held a Parlia- ment, wherein it was made high Treason to retaine Scots for souldiours, and fellony to contract with them matrimony. At his returne from England? (in which time Sir Henry Sidney was Lord Iustice) hee pursued the Scots to their Hands, and there entred, did them much skathe, wanne himselfe full great commenda- tion of hardinesse, sayled backe with the glory of that adventure, wherein (I trow) two more of his matches are not remembred, nor read. With the nevves of Maryes death, hee crossed the seas againe into Eng- land, leaving Sir Henry Sidney, Lord Iustice, and yet againe the next yeare leaving Sir William Fitz- williams Lord Iustice, then returned he Lord Lieute- f 1554. e 1557.