Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/500

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202 CAMPION^ HISTORIE both, and continually keepes an Armye ? I tell you, these are daungerous and hollovve kindes of Argu- ments, which are deduced ah exemplo, by example of other Realmes. Many subtile diversities, many va- rieties of circumstance, many exceptions alter the case, and make it utterly desperate. Touching Scot- land it is well knowne, they were never the men whom England neede to feare : They are but a corner cut out, and easily tamed when they waxe outragious. Your foes lie in the bosome of your Countryes; more in number, richer of ground, desperate theeves, ever at an inch, unpossible to be severed from you without any fence, beside your owne valiantnes, and the helpe of our Souldiours. England is quiet within it selfe, thoroughly peopled on that side of Scotland, which most requireth it, guarded with an army, otherwise the Lords and Gentlemen, and lusty Yeoman, that dwell on a row are ready to maister their private vaga- ries. From all forraine invasions walled with the wide Ocean. Were there such a Sea betwixt you and the Irish, or were they shut up in an odde end of the land, or had they no such opportunityes of bogges and woods as they have, or were they Lords of the lesser part of Ireland, or were they severed into handfuls, not able to annoy whole towneships and Baronies as they doe, the comparison were somewhat like, but alacke it fareth not so with you, you are beset round, your townes be feeble, the land empty, the commons bare, every county by it selfe cannot save it selfe. Take away the terrour and feare of our Bande, which in-