Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/59

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93 KEISHNA- -KUMAEA 94 KRISHNA ROW (K. U. V.). Ste Venkata-krisona Eau, K. R. KRISHNA SASTRI, rurdnamVen]i.afa-ndruijana-pu°. See Sankauacuarya. {^^'iS^^f^^-^^^^) [Atma- bodba. With the Telugu interpretation and com- mentary Atma-bodlia-prakasika of Krishna Sastri, and a Tamil version of the same.] [1840.] 12°. 14048. c. 44. See Sankaracharya. t*j • • • tJ^i.r'^JSxD'^eso . . . i^^Sn;£x: SxcH [Atma-bodha. With commen- tary of Krishna.] [1858.] S°. 14048. d. 45. KRISHNA StRI. See Peritav-achan Pillai. KRISHNA SURI, Gopdldcharya-pu°. See Nadi. t9y§^"^SeJej . . . -^h-^s^f^tinv -smil [Nadi-naksha- tra-mala. With commentary by Krishna Suri, etc.] [1881.] 8°. 14043. c. 28.(2.) KRISHNA-SVAMI, Fandlpeddi. i^ ■ ■ ■ ?e)^^^^» f^-jt^':^ ozxK S-Oo'^c"i&'^ S V rs-cejjS.siio [Bilhana- charitramu, or Bilhaniyamu. A poem in 3 isv(isas, interspersed with prose, on the story of the poet Bilhana's amour with the princess his pupil and his escape from punishment. Edited by V. Eama- svami Sastri.] pp.56. -c^^^S^i: no-^'c' [Bladratt, 18Gi.] 8°. " 14174. k. 16. KRISHNA-SVAMI RAZTJ. MiipUnt. See Paijcha- tantea. £o■cs'eJo^o^^io. [Paucha-tantra. Edited by K. R.] [1864.] 8°. 14174. g. 13. KRISHNAYAMATYUpiT, Rdnuhjanamu. The Desya- namarthakosamu. A le.xicon of Telugu synonyms in verse . . . Edited for the first time with index by S. P. V. Rangauathasvami Ayyavaralugaru. (l!?§^5irt«^'§T»'5'si«.) pp. ii. X. 23. Vizagapafmn, 1900. 8°. 14174. n. 35.(4.) Forms part of the Sakalavidyabhivardhani Series. The cover gives as date 1900, ivhereas the printer's 7iote at the end gives 1897. KRISHNAYARYUpU, Kri'shnagi'rl, XrisiniLa-pu°. See Yoga- vasishtha-eamayaka. c&o^fsj^^a. jJs^jiuew "a»ll [Vasishtha-saptasati, or Yoga-vasislitha- ratnamulu. An abridgment of the Yoga-vasishtha- ramayana, by Kri.shnayaryudu.] 1908. 8°. 14049. aaa. 14.(2.) KRISHNAYYA, Chcnd-upalli Edmcqm-pu". ^ga- ■?!^g^'?d5's$x). [Siddhi janardana-satakamu. A century of Vaishnava devotional verses.] pp. 16. Cocanada, 1902. 8°. 14175. a. 3.(11.) KRISHNUpU, BhrtUpdlL ^^■^^S3r*s&l)7^>fc)r^i^)3 -5«fi [Suma-komali-natakamu. A drama on the story of the loves of Krishna's son Cliaru-bhfinu and Suma-komall, daughter of king Udayai'ka of Malwa.] pp.86. S'S^^iSIocsosm^ [VixariaiKdani,'] 1888. 8°. 14174. h. 13, KRISTNAMA CHARLU, D. See Rama-kuisiinam- ACHARYHLU, Dh. KRUPAI SATYA-NATHAN. See Kkipai Satya- NATHAN. KSHEMENDRA, son of rrahlsPndra, (Vy7^sa-dasa). Kalavilasamu. [A story in 10 tiarjns, to convcv practical morals.] Translated into Telugu from the original Sanscrit of Ksliemendra ... by K. Suriarow. [Reprinted from the " Sarasvati."] (riPS:/--,osoo.) pp. i. 37. Cocanada, 1908. 8°. 14174. gg. 31. KSHEMISVARA. ^rUT'^^^-^koi's;^,. [Chauda- kuusikamu. A drama in 5 acts on the Puranic legend of king Harischandra. Rendered from the Sanskrit into Telugu by V. S. Subba-rayudu.] pp. 3, 50. 1900. See Periodical Pdblication.s. — Eajahniundri/. The Saraswati, etc. vol. i., no. 7 —vol. ii., no. 10. 1898, etc. 8°. 14174. gg. 2.(vols. 1, 2.) KSHETRAYYA. nf Muvva. ^^ . . . ^^otv-jJ 8']i^?j^i5oz3o ej;^ ";|j,,&'i08d Sc3o?.»e»_soo [Kshetraya- padarnbulu. 228 Vaishnava hymns, chiefly erotic in sentiment, bearing the anlca "Muvva- gopaludu," and dedicated to the god of that name. Edited by N. Deva Perumdllayya.] pp. 160. oo-^_2) [Madras, 1862.] 8°. 14174. b. 10. KULA-SEKHARA, Maharaja of Kerala. ^^Sbej"^- 4) a^V^^Soo^-^oooc-Z-^ 5S» Sots' aj't). [Mukunda-mfil.'i. A Sanskrit devotional hymn by Kula-sekhara, one of the A.rvars or apostles recognised by the Sri-vaishnava church. With Telugu interpretation by Mamballamu T. V. Krishnam-acharyulu. Followed by 2 Sanskrit ashfakfis, the first with translation. Second edition.] pp. 24, 4. [Madras,] 1879. 16°. 14174. a. 11. KITMARA DHURJATI, Kdlaydmdtinan pu°. ^^f^- Tr°cto£2;cs».^. [Krishna-raya-vijayamu. A poem, interspersed with prose, on the career of Krishna- deva Raya of Vij lyanagar.] pp. 3, 101. 1902.