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Moron was near the land called Desolation, by the Nephites. Having taken his father prisoner, Corihor hold him in captivity for many years. In his old age Kib begat Shule, who when grown to manhood, overthrew Corihor and replaced his father on the throne. His father having then arrived at an exceedingly great age resigned the kingdom to Shule, who reigned in his stead.

KIM. A king of the Jaredites. He was the son of Morianton, born to him when he (Morianton) was very aged.

The days of Morianton were among the most prosperous that the Jaredites saw; they grew exceedingly rich during his reign. But when he became very aged he abdicated in favor of Kim, who reigned in his father's place for eight years before the latter died. Kim, however, did not reign in righteousness, and by his wickedness he displeased the Lord, so that He permitted the brother of Kim to rebel against him, dethrone him and hold him in captivity all the remainder of his life. During his captivity he begat sons and daughters, the only one whose name is mentioned is Levi, who was born to him in his old age.

KIMNOR. One of the early Jaredites. He is simply known to us as the father of Akish, the friend of king Omer.

KING-MEN. The name given by the Nephites to those who, in the days of the republic, desired to re-establish the monarchy. The first royalist outbreak was led by one Amlici, in the fifth year of the commonwealth, and cost much blood and sorrow; Amalickiah was another prominent leader of those who wished to overturn the government, but being defeated by Moroni, he fled to the Lamanites, and by treason and murder worked himself on to the throne of that people. His followers who remained within the borders of the Nephites were compelled to enter into a covenant to support the republic, or "the cause of free-