Page:A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu/560

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Page, Line. Page, Line.
1, 10 Col: must be Cal. Rev. means Calcutta Review. 36, 21 main bala — main Balla, to dance.
" " on same line 184 mast be 1854. 37, 6 drawn of work — drawn off work.
" " " " " Mutalib, must be Muttalib. " 35 Banga — Bang'a.
" " under Abdi Bantan, twice over — Bantam. 38, 25 and ar — and are.
2, 24 on te death — the death. 41, 33 devidently — evidently.
" 33 Sundun — Tundun. 42, 26 voce Baron, proyo — properly.
4, 12 Jugyakarta — Jugjakarta. in note 6 Second line Born — borne. " " its last end — its East end.
5, 14 Agama Auda — Buda. 45, 30 insert between Buyut and Changgah, the fifth term Bauh.
6, 29 Y was invited — I was etc. " 31 call the 14th — call the 4th which is Bauh omitted in the text.
" 34 Ajam — Ajang. 46, 7 an umbrella of ancient times — ofancient times.
7, 12 hala — Chala. 48, 20 Saäpa — Saäpan.
" 14 Palosari — Pulosari. 51, 13 Béng'ong — Běng'ong.
" 29 Sourabaja — Sourabaya. 57, 13 Binw-angan — Binwangan, without hyphen.
9, 2 Daun Aksara — the anictochilus of Botany. 61, 8 peper etc. — Paper.
" 6 A kind ofi fly — of fly. 63, 5 Surrounded — Surmounted.
" 18 Jugyukarta — Jugjakarta. " 14 Sacred relies — Sacred relics.
" 26 Bantan — Bantam. 65, 34 little blad of iron — blade of iron.
11, on last line of page in noto" — not be tasted by — suit the taste of. 67, 20 Baja — Bhaja, in an English work must be written Baya, and Bhaya.
14, 28 the Sterns of Paddy — the stems of Paddy. " in note Cuddhodana — Çuddhodana or Suddhodana.
15, 26 to slay in one's course — to stay. 71, 19 or trump — or hump.
" 29 the same as te Javanese — as the Javanese. " 25 who exist — which exist.
17, 29 angot — ang'ot. 72, 32 to spite out — to spit out.
19, 1 Jampe's — Jampés. 73, 10 ulak — ulah.
" 15 Carry to far — Carry too far. 77, 12 The discus of Wishun — Wishnu.
21, 17 exspect — expect. " 23 a Chinese wood — word.
26, 19 Awi-awi — only one Awi. " Voce Champa. There is a petty state on Celebes so called.
33, 4 Benjawak and Menjawak to be written Benyawak and Menyawak. 80, 7 Cangkudu — Bangkudu.
34, 25 In mariner's, spell with large M. Mariner's, name of the author. " " Cang — Bang.
35, 29 the fall of majapahit, spell with large M, name of a place. 83, 1 Mountaineer — Mountaineers.