Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/130

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various, rozličný.

antiquities, in original memor- able things, památný; a word already explained.

to maintain, chovali.

many scholars, mnohé uhne.

an artist, umělec.

celebrated, famous, slavný (slava, glory, not the deriva- tion of the name of the Slavs, as is sometimes said, that being rather from slovo, a word, and thus comes to mean the men who speak intelligibly, in contradistinc- tion to the German, who was primarily to the Slavs němec, or the dumb man).

an astronomer, hvězdář; -ar, frequently the termination for the male agent, but more frequent in Bohemian and in the Western Slavonic lan- guages than in the Eastern.

Tycho Brahe (i 546-1601).

Kepler (1571-1630).

afterwards, později.

art, umění, s.n.

were only, nebyly ničím jiným než. Remember the rule on the use of two negatives.

personal or private, osobní [oso- ba, a person, fr. o-sob-a, same root as sobě, &c).

amusement, zábava. Cf. bavili.

besides that, mimo to.

to result, převrhovali; -vrch, summit, as we say ' culmin- ated in.'

also, také.

superstition, pověra. Observe use of po.

delusion, klam, s.m.

the manufacture, dělání.

gold, zlato, s.n.

real, skutečny (skutek, a fact).

promotion, povzneseni, s.n., a verbal noun ; po-vz (voz, up) -neš, to bring, to carry.

development, spreading, ex- pansion, rozšíření.

to exert oneself, stara/i,

thereby, přitom ; derived from při and torn.

during, za. For the use of za to denote duration of time see prepositions. It is also a common use in Polish.

youth, mládí, s.n.

longer, dělsi.

bring up, to maintain, chovali

(vide supra). Spain, Spanelý. The form is

the plural, used in so many

names of countries, uncle, strýc. to devote, oddali. entirely, cele, a word the root