Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/82

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B. With the Dative.

k (ke, ku), to, for, as ku přebýváni, for his dwelling; k dvoru císařovu, to the emperor's court.

proti, against, opposite to, as strhlo se proti němu opet vzbou- ření, the storm rose anew against him.

naproti, to meet.

C. With the Accusative.

mimo, passing by, as mimo dům jiti, to go past the house. ob, round, as ob dům, around the house.

přes(e), over, across, as utekl přes hranici Římskou, he escaped over the Roman frontier.

pro, on account of, as pro vítězství toto, on account of that victory; skrz(e), through, as skrze naději, through hope.

D. With the Locative, při, by, at the side of, as při řece Dunaji, by the river Danube.

E. With the Accusative and Locative.

o with the accusative, concerning, as o matku jde, the matter has to do with the mother; o stůl sem se uhodil, I knocked myself against the table; přišel o oko, he lost his eye. With the locative : o tom, concerning that.

Also drama o dvou dějstvích, a play in two acts.

v (ve) with the accusative, into, as v dům jiti, to go into the house.

v (ve) with the locative, in, as v nejpěknějších krajinách, in the most beautiful countries.

na, with the accusative, motion towards; like the Latin in with accus., as na poledne, towards the south; slepý na obě oti, blind of both eyes.

na with the locative, on (Lat. in with the ablative), as na poledni, in the south; bitva na Bílé Hoře, the battle of the