Page:A narrative of the life of Solomon Mack.djvu/13

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I was taken sick, as soon as I recovered I went to see my son; he was cutting trees, when unfortunately a tree fell on me and crushed me almost all to pieces; beat the breath out of my body, my son took me up for dead, I however soon recovered, but have not to this day recovered the use of my limbs, which was 34 years ago. I lay sixty days on my back and never moved or turned to one side or the other, the skin was worn off my backfrom one end to the other. I was then taken by six men in a sheet and moved, from time to time, for sixty or seventy days more; when I was able to walk by the help of crutches, I had a man to work in a saw-mill, it got out of order, I hobbled down to show him how to mend it, and by accident I fell on the water-wheel, and bruised me most horribly. I was indeed helpless, & in dreadful pain; confined month after month, unable to help myself, but at last I was restored to health; but being destitute of property, and without my natural strength to get my bread, with a young and dependent family whose daily wants were increasing, and none to administer relief. But strange to relate and unaccountable as it may appear to a thinking mind, I never once thought on the God of my salvation, or looked up to him for blessing or protection; I was stupid and thoughtless. —

Owing to my misfortune I could not attend to my contract at Granville, so I lost all