Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/13

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Adferthol, a. comforting

Adferthu, v. to comfort, to recreate

Adferwi, v. to boil again

Adferwr, n. restorer

Adferyd, v. to make restitution

Adfesur, n. a second measure: v. to measure a second time

Adflagur, n. a second bud

Adflaguro, v. to bud again

Adflas, n. insipidity of taste

Adflin, a. fatigue over again

Adflinder, n. irritation

Adflino, v. to irritate

Adflith, n. a second milk

Adflitho, v. to yield second milk

Adflodau, n. m. second blossoms

Adflodeuad, n. m. refloration

Adflodeuo, v. to reflourish

Adflodeuog, a. reflorescent

Adfraenar, n. m. second fallow

Adfrawd, n. f. a reversed or second judgment

Adfryd, n. m. a second intention

Adfwriad, n. m. a recasting

Adfwrw, v. to recast

Adfwynhau, v. to re-enjoy

Adfydiog, a. in adversity; miserable, wretched

Adfydig, a. distressed, wretched

Adfyd, ad. perhaps, it may be

Adfyddin, n. f. a corps of reserve

Adfyfyrdod, n. m. reconsideration, reflection

Adfyfyriad, n. m. reconsidering

Adfyfyrio, v. to reconsider

Adfynegiad, n. m. a redeclaring

Adfynegu, v. to declare again

Adfyw, n. m. lack of life; fallow a. revived, alive again

Adfywhau, v. to reanimate

Adfywiad, n. m. a revival

Adfywiant, n. m. reanimation

Adfywio, v. to revive

Adfywiocau, v. to reinvigorate

Adfywiogi, v. to reanimate

Adffugio, v. to disguise anew

Adffurfio, v. to reform; to repair

Adffurfiwr, n. m. a reformer

Adffynu, v. n. to prosper again

Adgadarnhau, v. to re-fortify

Adgadw, v. to keep again

Adgais, n. m. a second attempt

Adgam, a. recurvous

Adgan, n. f. an episode

Adganu, v. to describe

Adgas, a. odious, disagreeable

Adgasglu, v. to collect again

Adgasrwydd, n. m. odiousness

Adgasu, v. to act disagreeable

Adgeisio, v. to seek again

Adgenedledig, a. regenerated

Adgenedliad, n. m. regeneration

Adgenedlu, v. to regenerate

Adgerydd, n. m. a reprimand

Adgeryddadwy, a. reprehensible

Adgeryddiad, n. m. a reprimand

Adgeryddol, a. reprehensive

Adgeryddu, v. to reprimand

Adgip, n. m. a resnatch; a reprise

Adglaf, a. relapsed to sickness

Adglefychu, v. to relapse

Adglwyfo, v. to wound again

Adglymiad, n. m. renodation

Adglymu, v. to tie again

Adgnithio, v. to retouch

Adgno, n. m. second chewing. Adgno, cydwybod, remorse

Adgnoi, v. to chew the cud

Adgodi, v. to raise again

Adgof, n. m. remembrance

Adgofio, v. to recollet

Adgofiol, a. recollective

Adgoffa, n. m. a recalling to mind

Adgoffau, v. to recall to mind

Adgryfhau, v. to reinvigorate

Adgrynhoi, v. to collect again

Adguddio, v. to reconceal, to hide again

Adgur, n. m. a repulse, a rebut

Adguriad, a. repulsion

Adguro, v. to repel, re-conquer

Adgwymp, n. m. a fall back

Adgwympo, v. to relapse

Adgydiedig, a. rejoined

Adgydio, v. to rejoin