Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/180

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Gwediad, n. a saying

Gwedol, a. relating to speech

Gwedresi, n. a lizard

Gwedyd, n. speaking or telling: v. to say, to speak

Gwedd, n. aspect, form; a team

Gweddaidd, orderly, appropriate

Gweddeidd-dra, n. orderliness, propriety, decency; moderation; handsomeness

Gweddeiddgar, a. orderly, decent

Gweddeiddiad, n. a making decent or becoming

Gweddi, n. supplication, prayer

Gweddiad, n. a praying

Gweddiad, n. a conforming

Gweddiant, n. conformity

Gweddig, a. seemly, decent

Gweddill, n. remnant

Gweddillio, v. to leave remnants

Gweddio, v. to pray, to supplicate

Gweddiwr, n. a supplicator, a petitioner

Gweddlys, n. the herb woad

Gweddog, a. connected, yoked

Gweddol, a. orderly; reasonable

Gweddoldeb, n. orderliness

Gweddoli, v. to render orderly

Gweddu, v. to render orderly; to yoke; to wed; to become

Gweddus, a. orderly; seemly

Gweddusdra, n. orderliness

Gweddusiad, n. making orderly

Gwedduso, v. to render orderly

Gweddw, a. fit for connection: single; widow

Gweddwad, n. a rendering single or widow

Gweddwdod, n. single state; widowhood

Gweddwi, v. to render single

Gweddyg, n. a shoe-last

Gwefl, n. a chop, a snout, a lip

Gwefliad, n. a chop-full

Gweflod, n. dash on the chops

Gweflodio, v. to dash the chops

Gweflog, a. blubber-lipped

Gwefr, n. the drug amber

Gwefraidd, the nature of amber

Gwifrol, a. of amber quality

Gwefru, v. to do with amber

Gwefus, n. the human lip

Gwefusglec, n. lip smack

Gwefusiad, n. a touching the lip

Gwefuso, v. to touch the lips

Gwefusog, a. having lips

Gwefusol, a. labial of the lip

Gweg, n. a totter, a wagging

Gwegi, n. vanity, levity

Gwegiad, n. a tottering

Gwegian, v. to keep tottering

Gwegil, n. the nape of the neck

Gwegilad, n. a turning from

Gwegilio, v. to turn the back

Gwegilsyth, a. stiffnecked

Gwegio, v. to totter, to wag

Gwegiol, a. tottering, wagging

Gweglyd, a. tottering, feeble

Gwegriad, n. a searching, a sifting

Gwegru, v. to searce, to sift

Gwegrwr, n. a sifter

Gwegryn, n. a searcing, a sifting

Gwegryniad, n. a searcing

Gwegrynu, v. to searce, to sift

Gwengyn, n. the sewin, a fish

Gwehelyth, n. a lineage; a tribe

Gwehil, n. imperfect fruit

Gwehiliad, n. yielding of refuse

Gwehilio, v. to yield refuse

Gwehilion, n. refuse, trash

Gwehyn, n. an exhaustion

Gwehyniad, n. effusion

Gwehynol, a. effusive, pouring

Gwehynu, v. to effuse, to pour

Gweiddi, v. to cry out, to call

Gweilgi, n. torrent; ocean

Gweilging, n. a beam, a bar, a perch

Gweili, n. spare, surplusage

Gweiling, n. pale brass

Gweilw, n. a spare, a surplus

Gweilydd, n. a sparer

Gweini, v. to attend, to minister, to serve

Gweiniad, n. a serving; a sheathing

Gweiniant, a. ministration