Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/200

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Henfon, n. a breeding cow

Hengof, n. an old tradition

Henllydan, n. the plantain

Hennain, a great grandmother

Heno, n. this night: adv. to night

Henoed, n. decline of age

Henu, v. to grow old or aged

Henur, n. an elder, an ancient

Henuriad, n. an elder

Henw, n. a name, appellative

Henwad, a naming, appellation

Henwadol, a. nominative

Henwedigaeth, n. nomination

Henwedigol, a. nominate

Henwi, to name, to nominate

Henwol, a. nominal titular

Henwr, n. an old man

Henwrach, n. an old woman

Heol, n. a course, a road, a street, Heol, y gwynt, the milky way

Heolan, n. a lane, an alley

Heor, n. an anchor

Heori, v. to anchor

Hep-hun, n. a slumber

Hep-huniad, n. a slumbering

Hep-huno, v. to slumber

Hep-hynt, n. a whim, reverse

Hepiad, n. a nodding

Hepian, n. a nod; a slumber: v. to keep nodding

Hepio, v. to nod; to slumber

Heples, n. fervent, leaven

Hepwedd, n. an attribute

Her, n. a push; a challenge

Herc, n. a reach out; a jerk

Herciad, n. a reaching, a jerking

Hercian, v. to keep jerking

Herciant, n. a reaching out

Hercu, v. to reach, to fetch

Hercyn, n. a reach out; a jerk

Hergod, n. a push, a thrust

Hergwd, n. a push, a shove

Hergyd, n. a quick push

Hcrgydiad, n. a shoving away

Hergydio, v. to shove away

Heri, n. a jerk; a limp

Heriad, n. a defying

Herlawd, n. a tall stripling

Herlod, n. defiance, challenge

Harlodes, n. a hoiden; a damsel

Herlotyn, n. a mere stripling

Herodr, n. an ambassador

Herodraeth, n. an embassy

Hers, n. a sharp push; a flout

Hersu, n. a scouting, a flouting

Hersiad, a scouting, a flouting, a packing off

Hersio, v. to scout, to pack off

Herw, n. a flight; a scouting

Herwa, v. to scout, to hurry

Herwad, n. a scouting, prowling

Herwm, n. gloss of leather

Herwr, n. a scout, a prowler

Herwriaeth, n. vagrancy

Herwth, n. the rectum

Herwydd, prep. because

Hesg, n. sedges, rushes

Hesgen, n. a sedge, a rush

Hesglif, n. a whipsaw

Hesgyn, n. a sieve, a riddle

Hesor, n. a hassock, a pad

Hesp, a. dried up, dry, barren

Hespin, n. a yearling ewe

Hespinhwch, n. a young sow

Hespwrn, n. a young sheep

Hestawr, n. two-bushel

Hestoraid, n. full of two bushels

Het, n. a hat; a garland

Hetiwr, n. a hatter

Hetys, n. a short space, instant

Heuad, n. a sowing, semination

Heuddedig, a. attained; deserved

Heuddiad, n. a reaching; a meriting

Heuddu, v. to attain; to merit

Heulen, n. a partial sunshine

Heuliad, n. a sunning

Heuliadu, v. to give a sunning

Heulo, v. to shine as the sun

Heulod, n. the sun’s shining

Heulog, a. sunny, sunshiny

Heulor, n. a half door

Heulorsaf, n. a solstice

Heulrod, n. a parasol; a cap

Heulwen, n. the sunshine

Heulyd, n. sunshine, sun-heat