Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/223

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Lludlyd, a. full of ashes

Lludw, n. ashes

Lludwlyd, a. of the nature of ashes

Lludwlys, n. the artichoke

Lludwog, a. full of ashes

Lludd, n. obstacle, let

Lludded, n. obstruction; burden fatigue

Lluddediad, n. defatigation

Lluddedig, a. fatigued

Lluddedigaeth, n. fatigue

Lluddedu, v. to fatigue; to be weary

Lluddiad, n. an obstructing

Lluddianu, v. to form an obstacle

Lluddiant, n. a prevention

Liuddio, v. to obstruct, to let

Lluddiwr, n. a hinderer

Lluedd, n. warfare, hostility

Lluedda, v. to carry on war

Llueddawg, a. having a host

Llueddiad, n. a waging war

Llueddwr, n. one who assembles, an army

Lluest, n. encampment

Lluestai, n. a campaigner

Lluestfa, n. an encampment

Lluestiad, n. an encamping

Lluestu, v. to encamp

Lluestwr, n. one who encamps

Lluestyn, n. small encampment

Llug, n. a gleam; a blotch: a. tending to appear: ad. partly, in part, half

Llugain, a. teeming with light

Llugan, n. a glare, a glitter

Lluganawl, a. tending to glitter

Lluganiad, n. a glittering

Lluganu, v. to glitter; to polish

Llugas, n. dawning of light

Llugdwymn, n. lukewarmness

Llugdwymno, v. to half-heat

Llugenydd, n. a polisher

Llugiad, n. a dawning

Llugiannu, v. to cause glitter

Llugorn, n. clarion, trumpet

Llugyn, n. a beam of light

Llum, n. that shoots to a point

Llumman, n. banner, standar

Llummanu, v. to rear a standar

Llummanydd, n. a standard-bearer

Llumon, n. beacon; chimney

Llun, n. form, figure.—Dydd Llun, n. Monday

Llundain, n. London; the metropolis of Great Britain

Lluniad, n. a forming, a shaping a figuring

Lluniadawl, a. formative

Lluniadu, v. to form, to shape

Lluniaeth, n. formation; design; support; providence

Lluniaethiad, n. a formation

Lluniaethu, v. to put in form

Lluniaethwr, n. a regulator

Lluniaidd, a. shapely

Lluniannu, v. to modify

Lluniant, n. formation

Lluniedydd, n. a delineator

Llunio, v. to form, to shape

Lluosog, a. abundant

Lluosogwr, n. a multiplier

Llur, n. a livid hue; a gloom

Llurgyn, n. a carcase, carrion

Llurguniad, n. a mangling

Llurgunio, v. to mangle

Llurguniwr, n. a mangler

Lluriad, n. a making livid

Llurs, n. razorbill

Lluryg, n. a coat of mail

Llurygaw, v. to wear a mail

Llus, n. the bilberries

Llusg, n. a draught, a drag

Llusgen, n. one that drags along

Llusgeniad, n. dragging heavily

Llusgenol, a. creeping, dragging

Llusgenu, v. to drag heavily

Llusgiad, n. a dragging

Llusgo, v. to drag, to hale

Llusgwr, n. a dragger

Lluswydd, n. bilberry trees

Lluswydden, n. a bilberry shrub

Lluwch, n. motes; spray; drift

Lluwchiad, n. a drifting; a spraying; a flying of motes