Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/247

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Naddu, v. to hew, to chip

Nâf, n. what forms; a creator

Nafiad, n. an operation

Nag, n. a negative; a denial: conj. nor. neither; than: adv. not

Nage, adv. not that, not so, no

Nagu, v. to deny, to hinder

Nai, n. a nephew

Naid, n. a refuge; a jump

Naill, a. one or other, one; conj. either, other

Nain, n. a grandmother

Nam, n. a mark, a maim, a fault; an exception

Namyn, prep. but, since, except: n. exception

Nan, adv. what

Nant, n. a ravine, a brook

Nas, adv. not; that not

Naw, a. nine

Nawd, n. nature; character: adv. effectually, easily

Nawdeg, a. ninety

Nawdd, n. refuge, protection; patronage; support

Nawf, n. a swim; the swim or wind bladder of a fish

Nawfed, a. ninth

Nawn, n. meridian, noon

Nawnol, a. meridional, noon

Nawnu, v. to uphold; to be noon, to be meridional

Naws, n. nature, disposition

Nawsaidd, a. genial; kind; soft

Nawsedd, n. temperature

Nawseiddio, v. to render genial or temperate

Nawsiad, n. a tempering, a pervading

Nawseiddiol, a. temperamental

Nawsiant, n. temperament

Nawsio, v. to temper; to pervade; to ooze

Nawsineb, n. temperament

Nawsol, a. temperate, genial

Nawsoldeb, n. temperature

Nawsoli, v. to temper; to soften

Nawswyllt, a. of wild temper

Ne, n. a state of going; a hue, conj. or, otherwise, either

Nead, n. an opening to let out

Neb, n. somebody, nobody

Nebpell, adv. at no distance

Nedd, n. what turns; a dingle

Neddair, n. a grasp of the hand

Nef, n. a hollow: heaven

Nefol, a. heavenly, celestial

Nefoldeb, heavenliness

Nefolfryd, a. heavenly-minded

Nefoli, v. to become heavenly

Nefoliaeth, n. heavenly state

Neges, n. errand, message

Negesa, v. to go on errands; to negociate

Negesai, n. one who goes on errands, a messenger

Negeseuwr, Negeswr, Negesydd, n. an errand man; a messenger

Negesiaeth, n. a commission

Negesog, a. having an errand

Negesol, a. relating to errands

Negesyddiaeth, n. business of a messenger

Neidiad, n. a leaping, a jumping

Neidio, v. to leap; to throb

Neidiol, a. leaping; throbbing

Neidr, n. a snake, an adder. Gwas y neidr, the dragon-fly

Neidrllys, n. snakewort

Neifion, n. creating powers; Neptune

Neillawr, adv. at another time

Neilldu, n. otherside, one side

Neillduad, n. a putting aside

Neillduaeth, n. a reservation

Neillduedd, n. separateness

Neillduol, v. to go aside; to put aside; to separate; a. separate, distinct. Cyfreithiau neilduol, by-laws

Neillduolaeth, n. discrimination

Neillduoldeb, n. discriminateness

Neillduoli, v. to render distinct

Neilliad, n. diversifying