Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/275

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Rheselu, v. to form a rack

Rhesio, v. to set in a row

Rhestog, n. plaited work; mat

Rhestr, n. array, order, rank

Rhestredigaeth, n. arrangement

Rhestriad, n. an arranging

Rhestrig, n. a row, a range

Rhestrog, a. rowed; plaited, matted

Rhestrol, a. ordinal; arrayed

Rhrestru, v. to range, to marshal

Rhesu, v. to place in a row

Rheswm, n. reason, sense

Rhesymeg, n. logic; reasoning

Rhesymiad, n. a reasoning

Rhesymol, a. rational; tolerable

Rhesymoldeb, n. rationality

Rhesymu, v. to reason, to argue

Rheth, n. a pervading quality

Rhrethren, n. a pike, a lance

Rhëu, v. to run about; to move

Rheuedd, n. activity, agility

Rhew, n. what is slippery; frost

Rhewi, v. to freeze; to be ice

Rhewiad, n. a freezing

Rhewlyd, a. freezing, frosty

Rhewyn, n. a drain, a gutter

Rhewys, a wanton, lusting

Rhi, n. what is specific; a chief

Rhiaidd, a. notable, pre-eminent

Rhial, n. an original lineage

Rhiallu, n. hundred thousand

Rhian, n. a dame, a lady

Rhianaidd, a. feminine; female

Rhianon, n. a goddess, a nymph

Rhiaint, n. a parent, a source

Rhiol, a. noble, royal

Rhib, n. a streak; a dribblet

Rhibin, n. scanty row, streak

Rhibio, v. to streak; to dribble

Rhibib, n. a reed pipe; a hautboy

Rhic, n. a notch; to groove

Rhicio, v. to notch; to groove

Rhiciol, a. notching; grooving

Rhid, n. a drain; semen

Rhidio, v. to drain; to secrete

Rhidyll, n. a riddle, a sieve

Rhydyllio, v. to riddle, to sift

Rhidys, n. a drain; a rill

Rhidysio, v. to flow dribbling

Rhidd, n. a centre; an obstacle

Rhiddio, v. to centre; to repel

Rhieddu, v. to act as a chief

Rhieniol, a. feminine

Rhieni, n. ancestry, parents

Rhieniaeth, n. parentage

Rhieniol, a. parental

Rhies, n. a dame, a lady

Rhif, n. what divides; number

Rhifadwy, a. numerable

Rhifedigaeth, n. numeration

Rhifedydd, Rhifiedydd, n. a numerator

Rhifedd, n. numerousness

Rhifiad, n. a numbering

Rhifiannol, a. numerary

Rhifiannu, v. to numerate

Rhifiog, a. numerous, many

Rhifnod, n. a numeral

Rhifnodol, a. numerical

Rhifnodiad, n. numeration

Rhifo, Rhifnodi, v. to numerate, to number, to count, to reckon

Rhifol, a. numeral, numerical

Rhifyddeg, n. arithmetic

Rhifyn, n. a single number

Rhifyddiaeth, n. numeration

Rhiff, n. what divides or parts

Rhifft, n. what is divided, a rift

Rhig, n. a notch, a groove; the pillory

Rhign, n. a notch, a groove

Rhignedd, n. a notched part

Rhigo, v. to notch, to groove

Rhigod, n. a pillory

Rhigol, n. a groove; trench

Rhigoliad, n. a grooving; a trenching

Rhigolydd, n. groove plane

Rhilgwm, n. a long row; rote

Rhigymu, v. to say by rote

Rhing, n. a creak, a clink

Rhingwar, n. a clamp

Rhyngyll, n. a serjeant

Rhingyllaeth, n. serjeantship

Rhil, n. an interstice