Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/33

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Anwahanred, uncharacteristic; indiscriminate

Anwaharddus, a. unprohibitory

Anwahoddedig, a. uninvited

Anwaith, n. inaction

Anwar, a. ungentle, arrogant

Anwaradwyddus, not disgraceful

Anwaredol, not delivering

Anwaredd, n. ungentleness

Anwarth, a. shameless

Anwarthruddol, a. unignominious

Anwasanaethol, a. unserviceable

Anwasgar, a. unscattered

Anwasgodol, a. unsheltered

Anwastad, a. uneven, unsteady

Anwe, n. a woof

Anweddaidd, a. unseemly

Anweddog, a. unyoked, unmarried

Anweddol, a. immoderate

Anweddus, a. unbeseeming

Anweinyddiol, a. unconducive

Anweladwy, a. invisible

Anwelladwy, a. incurable

Anwenwynig, a. unpoisonous

Anwes, n. indulgence

Anwesog, a. indulgent; peevish

Anwir, a. untrue; wicked

Anwiredd, n. untruth, iniquity

Anwireddol, a. iniquitous

Anwirio, v. to falsify, to lie

Anwirion, a. not innocent

Anwisgiedig, a. unclothed

Anwiw, a. unworthy, useless

Anwladaidd, a. not rustic

Anwledychiad, misgovernment

Anwneuthuradwy, a. impracticable

Anwresog, a. unfervid

Anwrhydri, n. unmanliness

Anwrol, a unmanly, cowardly

Anwroldeb, n. invirility

Anwrolder, n. unmanliness

Anwrteithiol, a. uncultivated

Anwrthblaid, a. unopposed

Anwrthbrawf, a. unrefuted

Anwrthdro, a. unrecurrent

Anwrthebol, a. unreplying

Anwrthnysig, a. unrefractory

Anwrthodadwy, a. unrejectable

Anwrthredol, a. unretrograde

Anwrthsafiad, n. inopposition

Anwrthun, a. undeformed

Anwrthwynebol, a. unopposing

Anwybod, a. ignorant, dull

Anwybodaeth, n. ignorance

Anwybyddiaeth, inconsiousness

Anwych, a. not brave, infirm

Anwyd, n. temper, cold

Anwydaidd, a. affecting, disposing

Anwydiad, n. disposition

Anwydol, a. temperamental

Anwyl, a. unbashful; beloved dear. O’r anwyl, dear me

Anwylad, n. an endearing

Anwylaeth, n. endearment

Anwylaidd, a. endearing, lovely

Anwylder, n. unbashfulness

Anwylddyn, n. a sweatheart

Anwyledd, n. belovedness

Anwylhau, v. to endear, to love

Anwylo, v. to become lovely

Anwylyd, n. a loved one

Anwyllt, a. unwild, not furious

Anwyn, a. unimpassioned

Anŵyr, a. unoblique

Anwyrthiol, a. not miraculous

Anwysedig, a. unsummoned

Anwystledig, a. unpledged

Anwywder, n. unfadingness

Anymadroddus, a. untalkative

Anymarfer, a. unaccustomed

Anymarhous, a. impatient

Anymaros, a. unforbearing

Anymbleidiol, a. impartial

Anymchweladwy, a. irreversible

Anymdaenol, a. inexpansive

Anymdrechol, a. uncontentious

Anymddibynol, a. independent

Anymddiriad, n. diffidence; v. to mistrust

Anymddygiad, n. misdemeanor

Anymgeledd, a. uncherished

Anymgyffred, a. incomprehensible

Anymgynal, a. incontinent

Anymgyrchol, a. incongressive

Anymladdgar, a. not apt to fight

Anymofynol, a. uninquisitive

Anymogel, incautious

Anymorchestiad, n. a ceasing to emulate