Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/56

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Byrddwn, n. bass in music

Byrfys, n. the little finger

Byrhoedledd, n. shortness of life

Byriad, n. a breviat, an arm

Byriau, a short plough yoke

Byrllysg, n. a truncheon

Byrnaid, n. a truss, a bundle

Byrniad, n. a trussing, a bundling

Byrniaw, v. to truss, to bundle

Bys, n. a finger

Bysiad, n. a fingering

Bysio, v. to finger

Bysle, n. a finger-stall

Byson, n. a finger ring, a ring

Bystwn, n. a whitlow

Byswain, n. a thimble

Byth, n. eternity: adv. for ever

Bytheuad, n. a hound

Bytheuadgi, n. a hound dog

Bythfyw, a. ever-living

Bythol, a. eternal, perpetual

Bytholrwydd, n. everlastingness

Byw, v. to live, to exist; a. alive, living, quick

Bywâu, to animate, to enliven

Bywâus, a. animating

Bywed, n. a core of fruit; pith

Byweiddio, v. to animate

Bywfyth, a. everliving

Bywi, n. earth-nuts, orchis

Bywiad, n. vivification

Bywiocâu, v. to vivify, to animate

Bywiog, a. lively, vigorous

Bywiogi, to animate, to revive

Bywiol, a. living, animate

Bywioliaeth, n. livelihood

Bywion, n. emmets, ants

Bywionyn, n. an emmet

Bywlys, n. the house-leek

Bywull, n. buds, grafts, scions

Bywullu, v. to bud, to graft

Bywyd, life, existence

Bywydol, a. relating to life

Bywyn, n. pulp of fruit

Bywynaidd, a. like a pulb

Bywyneiddio, v. to grow to a pulp

Bywynog, a. having pulp


CA, n. a keep, a hold; a shutting on; a holding, v. he will have

Cäad, n. a getting, having

Caban, n. a booth, a cabin

Cabl, n. blasphemy, curse

Cablaidd, a. blasphemous

Cablair, n. calumny

Cablawd, n. blasphemy

Cabledig, a. blasphemed

Cabledd, n. blasphemy

Cabliad, n. a blaspheming

Cablu, v. to blaspheme

Cablwr, n. a blasphemer

Cabol, a. polished, bright

Cabolfaen, n. a polishing stone

Caboli, v. to polish

Caboliad, n. a polishing

Cabrawd, n. rusticity

Cacamwci, n. the great burdock

Cacynen, n. a hornet, a wasp

Cach, n. ordure, dung, soil

Cachad, n. a dirty sloven

Cachgi, n. a coward

Cad, n. a striving; a battle

Cadach, n. a kerchief, a clout

Cadair, n. a seat of presidency

Cadar, n. a defence, a shield

Cadarn, a. compact, powerful

Cadarnâd, n. strengthening

Cadarnâu, v. to strengthen, to fortify

Cadarnder, n. potency

Cadas, n. brocade

Cadawl, a. relating to war

Cadbais, n. coat of mail

Cadben, n. a captain

Cadbenaeth, n. captainship

Cadechyn, n. a clout, a rag

Cadeirfardd, n. graduated bard

Cadeiriad, n. a chairing

Cadeirio, v. to chair

Cadeiriol, a. chaired; cathedral

Cader, n. a hill-fort; a chair. Cader buwch, cow’s udder

Cadernid, n. strength

Cadfarch, n. a war horse