Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/95

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Chwegrwn, n. father-in-law

Chwegu, v. to dulcify

Chweiad, n. a moving briskly

Chweider, n. agility

Chweina, v. to catch fleas

Chweinial, v. to hop as fleas

Chweiniog, a. full of fleas

Chweinllyd, a. breeding fleas

Chweinllys, n. fleabane

Chweio, v. to move briskly

Chweiol, a. full of agility

Chweledig, a. being revolved

Chweledigaeth, n. revolution

Chweliad, n. rotation

Chweliedydd, n. a disperser

Chwelyd, n. a detour: v. to turn over

Chwelydr, n. a chip of a plough

Chwennych, v. to covet

Chwennychiad, n. a desiring

Chwennychol, a. desirous

Chwennycholdeb, n. the quality of being desirable

Chwennychu, v. to covet or desire

Chweochrol, a. sex-angular, six-sided

Chwepyn, n. an instant

Chwerfan, n. a whirl; a fusee

Chwerfiad, n. a whirling

Chwerfu, v. to whirl

Chweriad, n. a playing about

Chwerig, a. indecent; sportive

Chwern, a. rapid, violent

Chwerthin, n. laughter; v. to laugh

Chwerthinedd, n. laughableness

Chwerthingar, Chwerthinog, a. apt to laugh

Chwerthiniad, n. a laughing

Chwerthiniol, a. laughable

Chwerthinus, a. laughable

Chwerw, a. bitter; sharp; severe

Chwerwad, n. a making bitter

Chwerwder, n. bitterness

Chwerweiddio, v. to imbitter; to grow bitter

Chwerwi, v. to become bitter; to growl

Chwerwlys, n. the wormwood

Chwerwol, a. imbittering

Chwerwyn, n. a bitter snarler

Chweryn, n. a gland; a kernel

Chwesill, a. of six syllables

Chwetheg, n. sixteen

Chwetho, a. sextuple, sixfold

Chwëu, v. to grow sharp

Chwi, n. a swift turn: pron. you

Chwib, n. a pipe, a tube

Chwiban, n. a whistle

Chwibaniad, n. a whistling

Chwibanllyd, a. apt to whistle

Chwibanogl, n. a flageolet

Chwibanol, a. whistling

Chwibanu, v. to whistle

Chwibanydd, n. a whistler

Chwibiad, n. a trilling

Chwibio, v. to quaver

Chwibiol, a. trilling

Chwibl, a. tart, sour, acid

Chwiblad, n. a souring

Chwiblaidd, a. somewhat sour

Chwibledd, n. sourness

Chwibleian, n. a nymph

Chwiblni, n. acerbity

Chwibol, n. a tube, a pipe

Chwibolog, a. tubular

Chwibon, n. a whistler; a stork

Chibwrn, n. giddiness: a. giddy, dizzy

Chwid, n. a quick turn

Chwido, v. to quirk, to juggle; to make a quick move

Chwidog, a. full of quirks

Chwifio, v. to fly around

Chwifiol, a. whirling; vagrant

Chwiff, n. a hiss, a whiff

Chwiffiad, n. a hissing

Chwiffio, v. to hiss, to whiff: a. sibilant; whiffing

Chwig, n. whey fermented: a. fermented; sour

Chwiglen, n. a sharp stone

Chwigws, n. whey drink: a. sour, tart, sharp

Chwil, n. a beetle, a chafer: a. whirling, reeling

Chwilast, n. a gadder

Chwilboeth, a. scorching

Chwildarw, n. the dragon-fly

Chwildro, n. a dizzy turn

Chwildröad, n. a reeling