church, to the charge of the Methodist Society in the said city.
article vi.
All elections for Trustees for the aforesaid Zion Church, shall be by ballot of the male members, in close communion with them, or as many of them as attend, after being duly warned thereto; and no one shall have a right to vote for Trustees, until he has been a member standing in full connection, one year at least: and no person shall be chosen a Trustee of the said Corporation, until the said person shall have been a member in full connection and standing, at least two years. And no person shall be admitted into close connection with their classes, or be enrolled on their books, but Africans and descendants of the African race.
article vii.
It is provided and declared, that the Trustees aforesaid, and their successors for ever, are and shall be empowered to have, and shall have the entire direction and disposal of the temporal revenue of the aforesaid African Zion Church; and after paying the ground rent of the said church, are to apply the remainder for the benefit of the said church, as a majority of the aforesaid Trustees and their successors shall from time to time direct. And the aforesaid Trustees and their successors forever, shall have the disposal and management of the temporal concerns of the aforesaid African Methodist Episcopal Church, subject, nevertheless, to the provisions, and under the