ordination could be easily obtained from that source, they made known what information they had gathered on the subject, which seemed to afford much satisfaction to the brethren present, especially to Abraham Thompson, who appeared now to be more reconciled and stayed in his mind.
As matters now began to wear an aspect of regularity, uniformity and reconciliation, George Collins embraced the apparent favourable opportunity and mentioned to the brethren present, that he thought, from present appearances, it would be best to commence preparing for our organization, so that the business might be brought on in a regular and agreeable manner; whereupon, they resolved to appoint a committee of five persons, viz., James Varick, George Collins, Charles Anderson, Christopher Rush and William Miller, to form a Discipline for our Church, by a selection from the Discipline of our white brethren, that is, of the Methodist Episcopal Church in America. After some conversation which took place, relative to the necessity of our Preachers exerting themselves to give the necessary assistance to such of our African brethren elsewhere, who may require it, and some observations in regard to the Brooklyn Church, the brethren retired with much more satisfaction than they had done from several former meetings.
The weather being very favourable the building progressed smartly, so that on Monday, September 4th, 1820, they commenced shingling the roof.