addressed the Conference by memorial, will agree to be subject to the government of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in common with their white brethren, in such case, under the present existing circumstances, it is expedient and advisable that such coloured Preachers as are regularly constituted, be appointed to labour among them and take the pastoral charge of them until the next General Conference.
Resolved 2nd, That the coloured brethren submitting themselves to the order and discipline of the church, are entitled to the same rights and privileges with respect to the election and ordination of Local Deacons and Elders, as the white societies, the same form of order and discipline applying to both.
Resolved 3rd, That the organization of an African annual Conference, on the same principles, and subject to the same order and government as other Conferences, may be effected by the General Conference, but cannot be by one or more annual Conferences.
Resolved 4th, That it is advisable a member or members of this Conference, be appointed by the Bishop, to present the above Resolutions to the African brethren in New-York, together with any explanations and instructions which may be thought proper, and to receive their answer. Joshua Souls was appointed to present the foregoing report, and Thomas Mason accompanied him.
On the 12th of June, 1821, our official brethren met