Page:A short history of astronomy(1898).djvu/533

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General Index

[Roman figures refer to the chapters, Arabic to the articles.]

Theory of the Universe (of Wright), xii. 258

Thetis, viii. 160

Three bodies, problem of, xi. 228, 230–233, 235

Tidal friction, xiii. 287, 292, 293, 320

Tides, vi. 130; vii. 150; ix. 189; xi. 228–230, 235, 248; xiii. 287, 292, 293, 297, 320

Time, measurement of, i. 4, 5, 16. See also Calendar, Day, Hour, Month, Week, Year

Titan, viii. 154

Titania, xii. 255

Toletan Tables, iii. 61, 66

Torrid zones, ii. 35

Total eclipse, ii. 43; vii. 145; x. 205; xiii. 301. See also Eclipses

Transit instrument, x. 218, 225 n

Transit of Mercury, x. 199

Transit of Venus, viii. 156; x. 202, 205, 224, 227; xiii. 281, 282, 284

Translations, iii. 56, 58, 60, 62, 66, 68

Transversals, v. 110 n

Trepidation, iii. 58, 62, 68; iv. 84; v. 112

Trigonometry, ii. 37 n, 47 n; iii. 59 n, 64 n, 68 n; iv. 74

Trivium, iii. 65

Tropical year, ii. 42

Tuttle's comet, xiii. 291

Twilight, iii. 69

Twinkling of stars, ii. 30

Two New Sciences (of Galilei), vi. 133, 134 n; viii. 152

Tychonic system, v. 105; vi. 127

Umbra (of sun-spots), vi. 124; xii. 268

Uniform acceleration, vi. 133. See also Acceleration

Uraniborg, v. 101

Uranometria Nova Oxoniensis, xiii. 316

Uranus, xii. 253, 254, 255, 267; xiii. 276, 288, 289, 297

Uranus, rotation of, xiii. 297

Uranus, satellites of, xi. 250 n; xii. 255, 267; xiii. 272, 295

Variable stars. See Stars, variable

Variation (of the moon), iii. 60; v. 111; vii. 145

Variation of elements or parameters, xi. 233 n, 236, 245

Variations, calculus of, xi. 237 n

Vega, iii. 64

Venus, i. 14–16; ii. 25, 26, 45, 47, 51; iii. 68; iv. 75, 81, 86, 87; v. 98, 100, 103; vi. 121, 123; vii. 136 n, 139, 142, 144; viii. 154; ix. 181, 185; x. 223, 227; xi. 235, 245; xii. 267, 271; xiii. 282, 297. See also the following headings

Venus, mass of, xi. 235, 248

Venus, phases of, vi. 123, 129

Venus, rotation of, viii. 160; xii. 267; xiii. 297

Venus, transits of See Transits of Venus

Vernal equinox, i. 11. See also Equinoxes

Vernier, iii. 69 n

Vertical, ii. 33; x. 221; xiii. 285

Vesta, xiii. 294

Victoria, xiii. 281

Virtual velocities, xi. 237 n

Vortices, viii. 163; ix. 178, 195

Wave, wave-length (of light), xiii. 299, 300, 302

Weather, prediction of, ii. 20; vii. 136

Week, i. 16

Weight, vi. 116, 130; ix. 180

Weights and Measures, Commission on, xi. 237, 238