Page:A tour through the northern counties of England, and the borders of Scotland - Volume I.djvu/104

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at the same time of the warmest piety and most exalted virtue; the champion of the Christian cause, and the able assert or of the truth of the Gospel; whose treatise on the Conversion of St. Paul will ever remain a monument of his religion and his talents; a composition clear in style and irresistible in argument, at once calculated to confirm the believer, to convince the sceptic, and to silence the infidel. The latter, also, of lofty intellect and splendid attainments, but of equal profligacy and irreligion; the fascinating seducer of innocence, and the shameless contemner of every thing sacred; whose short, but pernicious, life was passed in scoffing at the obligation of virtue, and violating the sanctions of morality; but who, after all his bold impiety, was at last literally frightened to death, by the horrible fantasies of his own imagination. The ghost story, to which I allude, is too generally known to render it necessary for me to trouble you with it at present. Let it be sufficient for me to remark, that the family continue to believe the reality of die supernatural appearance to his lordship; and a very near relation of his has had a painting made of the occurence, wherein Lord Lyttelton is represented in bed, at the foot of which stands a little female figure, bearing upon her finger a small bird, whilst several demoniacal figures are fluttering