Page:A tour through the northern counties of England, and the borders of Scotland - Volume I.djvu/268

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Doris; by her side a Cupid bestriding a Dolphin. One end of her mantle is tucked up under her right arm, the other is held above her head, out of which she is squeezing the water.—Epicurus, the celebrated philosopher, holding a scroll with both his hands; a very fine antique.—A Dacian King; a valuable antique. Small whole-length figure, composed of white and black marble; the hands and face of the former; the bonnet and rest of the figure of the latter. When we view this specimen of very ancient art, we cannot but be astonished that the sharp and minute parts which compose it should be in the most perfect preservation. An antique colossal head of Hercules; the expression solemn, majestic, and thoughtful; the beard supremely grand. It stands upon an antique three-faced altar, with figures on each front representing performers in the Dithyrambic rites; among which is an admirable female Bacchanalian maniac.—A small Muse, modern and beautiful; and under it an interesting little figure, a Girl bemoaning the loss of her Bird.—A medallion of antique porphry; groupe.

In the vestibule to the second apartment, or rotunda, we find two antique vases of composition, ornamented with fancy patterns of the most beautiful design and workmanship.

The rotunda contains: