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They give to empty space (where and , and become identical) the known values ​​of the Maxwell pressure, the current, and the energy density. To ponderable bodies in a resting state, the values ​​(21a) and (21c) of the pressure and energy density are acceptable, yet not the value (21b), because it is


then the energy current would be

which differs from the current given by the Poynting vector



So we must subtract from the invariant (given by equation (20)), another , which contains as a factor, and which is equal to zero for empty space.

To obtain such a , we consider two ; first the -"velocity"

then the "rest ray", given by equations (12):

We introduce the


with being a ,

which forms a .

Now we compose, according to scheme (2), two :

which are both linear in , and we multiply them. Thus a is given, being a homogeneous second-order function of :


By adding , and , which are given by (20) and (23), we form the new


and we are using this instead of as a characteristic invariant, which determines the pressures, the current, and the electromagnetic energy density, by setting: