Page:Account of the dispute between Russia, Sweden & Denmark, and Great Britain.pdf/20

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land, and Iſlands included, againſt the attack of any other naval force which his Britannic Majeſty may row or hereafter, during its remaining in force, have in theſe ſeas.

Art. IV. The fleet of Admiral Sir Hyde Parker ſhall be permitted to provide itſelf at Copenhagen and along the coaſts of the different Islands and Provinces of Denmark and Jutland included, with every thing which it may require for the health and comfort of its crews.

Art. V. Admiral Sir Hyde Parker ſhall ſend on ſhore all ſuch ſubjects of his Daniſh Majeſty as are now on board the Britiſh fleet under his command, the Daniſh Government engaging to give an acknowledgement for them, as alſo for all ſuch wounded as were permitted to be landed after the action of the 2d inſ order that they may be accounted for in favour of Great Britain, in the unfortunate event of the renewal of hoſtilities.

Art. VI. The coaſting trade carried on by Denmark, along all ſuch parts of her coaſt as are included in the operation of the Armiſtice, ſhall be unmoleſted by any Britiſh ſhips or veſſels whatever, and inſtructions given accordingly by Admiral Sir Hyde Parker.

Art. VII. This Armiſtice is to continue uninterrupted by the Contracting Parties for the ſpace of fourteen weeks from the ſignature hereof, at the expiration of which time it ſhall be in the power of either of the ſaid parties, to declare a ceſſation of the ſame and to recommence hoſtilities, upon giving fourteen days previous notice.

The conditions of this Armiſtice are upon all occaſions to be explained in the moſt liberal and loyal manner, ſo as to remove all ground for future diſpute and facilitate the means of bringing about the reſtoration of harmony and good underſtanding between the two Kingdoms.