Page:Across the sub-Arctics of Canada (1897).djvu/280

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5. Ranunculus affinis, R. Br.—B.

Barlow Lake, Telzoa River. Telzoa River, between Schultz and Baker Lakes. South shore of Chesterfield Inlet, near its mouth. Fort Churchill.

6. Ranunculus Lapponicus, L.—B.

West shore of Tobaunt Lake, near the mouth of Telzoa River.

7. Ranunculus hyperboreus, Rottb.—W.

Telzoa River, just below Daly Lake.


8. Papaver nudicaule, L.—B.

Telzoa River, between Schultz and Baker Lakes. This species was also collected at Ashe Inlet, on the north shore of Hudson Straits, in 1885.


9. Corydalis glauca, Pursh.—W.

North-west and north shores of Lake Athabasca. Esker, near the Narrows of Daly Lake.

10. Corydalis aurea, Willd.—W.

Rocky Island, on the north side of Lake Athabasca, west of Fond du Lac.


11. Cardamine pratensis, L., var. angustifolia.—B.

Island near the centre of Boyd Lake. Limestone Island, in Nicholson Lake. Fort Churchill.

12. Arabis lyrata, L.—W.

North shore of Lake Athabasca.

13. Arabis humifusa, var. pubescens, Wat.—W.

North-west angle of Lake Athabasca. Esker, near the Narrows of Daly Lake. This species had not previously been found west of Hudson Bay.

14. Barbarea vulgaris, R. Br.—W.

Cracking Stone Point, north shore of Lake Athabasca. Red Hill, on the west shore of Hinde Lake.

15. Sisymbrium humile, C. A. Meyer.—W.

Fort Chippewyan, Lake Athabasca.