Page:Across the sub-Arctics of Canada (1897).djvu/292

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139. Salix Richardsonii, Hook.—B.

Mouth of Chesterfield Inlet.

Not previously recorded from the vicinity of Hudson Bay.

140. Salix reticulata, L.—B.

Limestone Island, in Nicholson Lake.

Loudon Rapids, above the Forks of Telzoa River.

141. Salix herbacea, L.—W. B.

Esker, near the middle of Daly Lake.

Mouth of Chesterfield Inlet.

Ashe Inlet, on the north side of Hudson Strait.

142. Salix rostrata, Rich.—W.

North shore of Lake Athabasca.

Elizabeth Rapids, Stone River.

143. Salix speciosa, Hook and Arn.—B.

Mouth of Chesterfield Inlet.

144. Salix glauca, L., var. villosa, And.—B.

Tobaunt River, between Schultz and Baker lakes.

145. Salix phyllicifolia, L.—B.

Shore of Tobaunt Lake.

Tobaunt River, between Schultz and Baker lakes.

Mouth of Chesterfield Inlet.

146. Salix balsamifera, Barratt.—W.

West shore of Daly Lake.

This species was not before known to occur north of the Saskatchewan River.

147. Populus balsamifera, L.—W.

North shore of Lake Athabasca.

Limbs, believed to be of this species, were found lying on the sand at the Forks of the Telzoa River, having drifted down the West Branch to that place.

148. Populus tremuloides, Michx.—W.

North shore of Lake Athabasca.

Esher, near the narrows of Daly Lake.

The latter locality is the northern limit of the tree in this longitude. On the head-waters of the Thlewiaza River it was found to range as far north as latitude 60°. A few small trees were also observed on the raised beaches near Fort Churchill.—J. B. T.