Page:All quiet along the Potomac and other poems.djvu/173

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She never had heard of Hugh Miller,

Nor knew what philosophers said ; The birthday of each, was a problem

Which never disturbed her old head. About the pre-Adamite fossils

No mental disturbance she knew, Holding fast to her faith, pure and holy,

That her God-given Bible was true.

She had her own test, I remember,

For people, whoe er they might be. When we spoke of the strangers about us

But lately come over the sea Of Laura, and Lizzie, and Jamie,

And stately old Essellby Oakes She listened and whispered it softly,

"My dear, are these friends meetirf -folks?"

When our John went away to the city

With patrons whom all the world knew To be sober and honest, great merchants,

For grannie, this all would not do, Till she pulled at John s sleeve in the twilight,

To be certain before he had gone ; And he smiled as he heard the old question,

"Are you sure they are meetin -folks, John?"

When Minnie came home from the city, And left heart and happiness there,

I saw her close kneeling by grannie,

With the dear wrinkled hands on her hair ;

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