Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 1.djvu/283

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Cardale, Joseph, s. William, of Dudley, co. Worcester, gent. Magdalen Coll., matric. 18 May, 1702, aged 17, B.A. 24 March, 1706-7; incorp. at Cambridge 1725, M.A. from Queen's Coll. 1725, vicar of Bulkington, co. Warwick, 1708, and of Withybrook, co. Warwick, 1732, etc. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Cardell, John, s. Edmund, of Pitstone, Bucks, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric. 18 Nov., 1625, aged 16; B.A. 7 Feb., 1628-9, M.A. 17 Dec., 1631.

Carden, Thomas, B.A. 28 Jan., 1528-9; fellow Oriel Coll. 1529 to 1537, from Kent, as 'Cardyne,' M.A. (sup. May) 1533, one of these names rector of Dickleburgh, Norfolk, 1551. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Cardenas, Isaac, of Geneva, sometime of Cambridge; fellow Merton Coll. 1584, B.A. 5 Feb., 1584-5, M.A. 20 Feb., 1588-9, in the service of Francis Walsingham, privy councillor. See O.H.S., iv. 273, x. 369.

Cardiff, David (or Kerdyff), secular chaplain; B.A. 1 July, 1532. [5],

Cardyff, James, chaplain; B.A. 13 Dec., 1512.

Cardiff, Roger, arm. fil. nat. max.; B.A. 1 Feb., 1601-2, bar.-at-law, Lincoln's Inn, 1607, as of Salop. See Foster's Judges and Barrisers.

Cardmaker, John, alias Taylor, Minorite (studied also at Cambridge); B.D. (sup. Dec.) 1532, canon of Wells, vicar of St. Bride's, London, 1543, chancellor of the church of Wells 1547, and reader in St. Paul's Cathedral, on the accession of Queen Mary he was convicted of heresy, deprived of his chancellorship, and burnt to death at Smithfield 30 May, 1555. See Cooper, i. 126; Fasti, i. 92; & D.N.B.

'Cardoinus' , 'Camillus,' 'Baronis fil.,' born at Naples, Italy. Gloucester Hall, matric. 5 Nov., 1584, aged 40.

Cardonnell, Peter de, s. P., of Westminster, gent. Christ Church, matric. 4 Feb., 1678-9, aged 18; B.A. 1682, M.A. 1685, student 1678 (from Westminster School), until his death, buried in Christ Church Cathedral 20 March, 1699, administration at Oxford, granted 23 March, 1700. See Alumni West., 183; & Gutch, i. 514. [10],

Cardonnel, William, s. Peter, of London, gent. Magdalen Coll., matric. 14 April, 1671, aged 16, demy 1671-6, B.A. 1674; fellow Merton Coll. 1676-81, M.A. 29 Jan., 1677-8, a king's scholar at Westminster, hanged himself in his bedchamber 23 Oct., 1681, buried on south side of the chancel, admon. (at Oxford), granted 22 Dec., 1681. See Bloxam, v. 313; O.H.S., iv. 296; & Ath. Ox., i. p. xcii.

Cardrowe, Henry, of Dorset, gent. Trinity Coll., matric. 30 Oct., 1601, aged 16; B.A. 5 July, 1604 (his parents were dead before March, 1603-4).

Cardrowe, John, of Dorset, gent. Hart Hall, matric.-entry under date 20 May, 1580, aged 17; of Gray's Inn 1584. See Foster's Gray's Inn Reg.

Cardrow, Matthew, of Dorset, gent. Trinity Coll., matric. 22 Nov., 1605, aged 17.

Cardwell, Richard, s. John, of (Stonling), Stoney Stratford, Bucks, pleb. Hart Hall, matric. 16 April, 1709, aged 17; B.A. 1712, vicar of Thornborough, Bucks, 1716, and of Raunds, Northants, 1723. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus. [15],

Carelesse, Nicholas, of Middlesex, pleb. Queen's Coll., matric. 21 Nov., 1628, aged 20.

Carelesse, Thomas, s. Philip, of Lothbury, London, pleb. Balliol Coll., matric. 28 May, 1641, aged 15; B.A. 15 Feb., 1644-5, M.A. 13 Dec., 1649, fellow 1652, preacher in St. Aldates, Oxford, rector of Barnesley, and vicar of Cirencester, co. Gloucester, until his death 7 Oct., 1675, buried in Cirencester Church. See Burrows & Fasti, ii. 121.

Carell, William, s. Tho., of Torbrian, Devon, pleb. Wadham Coll., matric. 25 Feb., 1713-14, aged 18; B.A. 24 March, 1717-18.

Carent, George (or Carell), B.A. from Christ Church 12 Dec., 1561, M.A. 17 Jan., 1564-5, student about 1568, vicar of Burnham, Somerset, 1570, until his death in 1597. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Careswall, Antony (Caryswall or Cassewell), chaplain; B.A. 1 July, 1510, M.A. 21 June, 1514, rector of Hanworth, Middlesex, 1519. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus. [20],

Carew, Edmund, of Devon, arm. Wadham Coll., matric. 19 May, 1615, aged 19; of the Inner Temple 1617 (as 6th son of Peter, of Bickleigh, Devon, gent.), died s.p. in 1619, brother of Henry same date. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Carew, Edmund, 4s. Nicholas, of Bedington, Surrey, militis. University Coll., matric. 11 June, 1624, aged 17; B.A. 17 Feb., 1626-7 (as Edward), bar.-atlaw, Inner Temple, 1637, buried 10 Sept., 1654, brother of Francis and Nicholas 1619, and George 1624. See Foster's Judges and Barristers.

Carew, Edward, s. Matthew, of Cokethorpe, Oxon, equitis. University Coll., matric. 4 July, 1634, aged 17. See Matthew 1606.

Carew, Edward, s. Edw., of Littleton, co. Worcester, gent. University Coll., matric. 5 May, 1673, aged 18.

Carew, Edward, s. John, of Harberton, Devon, cler. New Inn Hall, matric. 23 March, 1682-3, aged 19. See Matthew 1668, brother of Thomas 1685.

Carew, (Sir) Francis, s. (Nicholas), of Surrey, militis. University Coll., matric. 30 April, 1619, aged 16; B.A. 27 Nov., 1621, of Bedington, Surrey, admitted to the Inner Temple 1620 (alias Throgmorton), M.P. Haslemere 1624-6, K.B. 2 Feb., 1625-6, M.P. Guildford in 1628 (void), Bletchingley 1640 (void), buried 9 April, 1649, father of Nicholas 1651, and brother of Edmund and George 1624, and Nicholas 1619. See Foster's Parliamentary Dictionary. [26],

Carew, (Sir) Francis, 1s. Nicholas, of Bedington, Surrey, equitis. Magdalen Coll., matric. 5 July, 1680, aged 16; of Bedington, Surrey, baptized 12 Sept., 1663, died 29 Sept., 1689, brother of Nicholas 1686.

Carew, George, of Broadgates Hall, supplicated for B.A. 1522 (3rd son of Edmund, Lord Carew), archdeacon of Totnes 1534, canon of Exeter 1535, rector of Torbrian 1542, of Carhays St. Stephen 1543, and of Ilfracombe 1544, cure of Ilchester and Whitehall free chapelries, Somerset, in 1545, canon of Wells 1545, precentor of Exeter 1549, and archdeacon 1556-9, preb. of Chichester 1555, and of Sarum 1555, precentor of Sarum 1558-83, and of Bath and Wells 1560 and 1565, dean of Bristol 1552-3, 1559, dean of Christ Church, Oxford, 1559-61, canon and dean of Windsor 1560, and dean of Exeter 1571-83 (D.D.), registrar of the Garter, master of the Savoy, rector of Mells, Somerset, 1557-83, of Kelston 1558-60, of Dittisham, Devon, 1560, and of Silverton St. Mary 1561, died 1 June, 1583, aged 85, buried in St. Giles-in-the-Fields, father of George, Earl of Totnes, and of Peter. See Alumni West., 7; Fasti, i. 58; & D.N.B.

Carewe, Sir George (s. George, dean of Christ Church), of Broadgates Hall (? 1572, aged 15); created M.A. 17 Sept., 1589, born 29 May, 1555, knighted by Sir John Perrot in Christ Church, Dublin, 24 Feb., 1585, and master of the Ordnance in Ireland 1587-93, and P.C. 1588, president of Munster 1600-8, governor of the Isle of Guernsey 1610, M.P. Queenborough 1597-8, and Hastings 1604, until created Lord Carew, of Clopton, 4 Nov., 1605, vice-chamberlain and receiver-general 1603, and councillor to Queen Anne 1604, master of the Ordnance, England, 1608-17, P.C. 1616, treasurer-general to Queen Henrietta Maria 1626, created Earl of Totnes 7 Feb., 1625-6, born 29 May, 1555, died in the Savoy 27 March, 1629-30, brother of Peter 1572. See Ath., ii. 446; D.N.B.; & Foster's Gray's Inn Admissions.

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