Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 3.djvu/229

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Nic(h)olson, Thomas, of Essex, cler. fil. Magdalen Coll., matric. 29 Oct., 1591, aged 16, clerk 1589-95; B.A. from Magdalen Hall 14 Feb., 1595-6, M.A. 30 Oct., 1598, then in orders, rector of Stapleford Tawney, Essex, 1596-1636 (on the death of his father William rector 1572-96), vicar of Tillingham, Essex, 1639; licenced 10 Jan., 1597-8, to marry Dorothy, widow of Lewis Barfield, vicar of Much Dunmow, Essex, deceased; father of John 1621, and of Richard 1630. See Bloxam, ii. 46; London Marriage Licences, ed. Foster; & Foster's Index Eccl.

Nic(h)olson, Thomas, B.A. from King's Coll., Cambridge, 1626 (incorporated 11 July, 1626), M.A. 1630. See Foster's Graduati Cantab.

Nicholson, Thomas, s. Guilbert, of Poulton, co. Lancaster, gent. Christ Church, matric. 29 Nov., 1682, aged 20, B.A. 1683, M.A. 1685; one of these names vicar of Sockburn 1688, and of Grindon 1699, and rector of Staynton-le-Street, co. Durham, 1707. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Nicholson, Thomas, s. William, of Doddington, Kent, pleb. University Coll., matric. 7 July, 1694, aged 18, Pauline exhibitioner 1693-8; B.A. 1698, M.A. 1701, vicar of Lenham 1702, and rector of Witchling, Kent, 1711. See St. Paul's S. R. 61; & Foster's Index Eccl.

Nic(h)olson, Walter, "serv." Queen's Coll., matric. 25 Oct., 1659; B.A. 1663, M.A. 1666. [5],

Nic(h)olson, William, of Magdalen Hall in and before 1572, B.A. 15 April, 1573; fellow Corpus Christi Coll. 1573, M.A. 29 March, 1577; perhaps rector of Stapleford Tawney, Essex, 1572-96, and father of Thomas 1591. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Nic(h)olson, William, of Suffolk, pleb. Magdalen Coll., matric. 16 June, 1610, aged 17, chorister 1598, clerk 1610-15; B.A. 4 Nov., 1611, M.A. 20 May, 1615, chaplain 1616-18; created D.D. (by diploma) 1 Dec., 1660 (s. Christopher, a rich clothier), born at Stratford, near Hadleigh, Suffolk, 1 Nov., 1591, vicar of New Shoreham, Sussex, 1614, master of Croydon free school 1616-29, rector of Llandilofawr, co. Carmarthen, 1626, archdeacon of Brecknock 1644, but deprived, canon of St. David's 1660-72, sinecure rector of Llansantffraidin-Mechan, co. Montgomery, 1663, and of Bishops Cleeve, co. Gloucester, 1660-72, bishop of Gloucester 1661, until his death 5 Feb., 1671-2. See Bloxam, i. 29; Thomas, 772; Ath. iii. 950; & Foster's Index Eccl.

Nic(h)olson, William, perhaps M.A. from Balliol Coll. 3 Feb., 1621-2.

Nicholson, William, s. William, of Christian Malford, Wilts, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric. 15 Feb., 1632-3, aged 16; B.A. 20 Oct., 1636.

Nicholson, William, gent. Queen's Coll., matric. 24 June, 1653. [10],

Nicholson, William, s. Joseph, of Plumbland, minister. Queen's Coll., matric. 1 July, 1670, aged 15; B.A. 23 Feb., 1675-6, fellow, M.A. 1679, D.D. (by diploma) 25 June, 1702, vicar of Torpenhow, Cumberland, 1681, canon of Carlisle 1681, archdeacon 1682, rector of Salkeld 1682, and vicar of Addingham, Cumberland, 1699, bishop of Carlisle 1702-18, of Derry 1718-27, archbishop of Cashel and Emly 9th, but died before enthronement 15th, Feb., 1726-7. See Ath. iv. 534; Rawl. i. 45, ii. 12; Cotton's Fasti Ecc. Hib. i. 17, iii. 323; Hearne, i. 187, ii. 62; & Foster's Index Eccl.

Nic(h)olson, William, of Gloucester (city), gent. Gloucester Hall, matric. 9 Dec., 1670, aged 15; demy Magdalen Coll, 1671-8, B.A. 1674, M.A. 1677; died 15 Dec., 1678. See Gutch, i. 343; & Bloxam, v. 312.

Nickins, Michael, s. Mich., of Shifnall, Salop, p.p. St. John's Coll., matric. 20 May, 1668, aged 18.

Nieren, Gasper, of Kent, cler. fil. Broadgates Hall, matric. 12 March, 1618-19, aged 18; B.A. from Christ Church 6 June, 1622, M.A. 20 June 1625; one of these names vicar of Stoughton Sussex, 1661. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Nightingale, James, of Yorks, pleb. Trinity Coll., matric. entry under date 12 Dec., 1572, aged 20; "Dno. Chewe tutori dial." [15],

Nightingale, John, B.A. from Queen's Coll., Cambridge, 1650-1, M.A. 1654 (incorporated 19 June, 1657), taxor 1658. See Foster's Graduati Cantab.

Nightingall, Robert, "serv." Merton Coll., matric. 22 July, 1658, B.A. 1661; M.A. Cambridge (Comitiis Regiis), 1665, vicar of Pennant, co. Montgomery, 1665, of Llanyblodwell, Salop, 1668, and of Llansantffraid-yn-Mechan, co. Montgomery, 1672, rector of Llanerfyl, co. Montgomery, 1674. See Thomas, 531; & Foster's Index Eccl.

Nightingale, Thomas (or Wygtyngall), B.C.L. 28 Jan., 1515-16, "vir lepidus et poeta.' St. Paul's S. R. 19; Fasti, i. 42; & Ath. i. 47.

Nipho, Fabian à (or Fabian Niphus), an Italian, incorporated D.Med. and licenced to practice medicine 15 Jan., 1581-2. See Ath. i. 690; & O.H.S. x. 380.

Nippred, William, of Wilts, pleb. Gloucester Hall, matric. 17 Dec., 1585, aged 15. [20],

Nisbitt, Alexander, "serv.," s. James, of Yatesbury, Wilts, sacerd. St. Alban Hall, matric. 29 March, 1643, aged 23, rector of Tingrith, Beds, 1652. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Nisbett, Henry, D.Med. Padua; created D.Med. 31 Jan., 1643-4; a candidate of college of physicians, 1652. See Fasti, ii. 68; & Munk, i. 266.

Nisbet, Robert, "ser." Balliol Coll., matric. 16 Dec., 1652.

Nixon, Charles, s. Rich., of Chievely, Berks, pleb. Pembroke Coll., matric. 6 Dec., 1667, aged 17; B.A. from Chrst Church 1671, M.A. 1674, vicar of Chieveley 1705. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Nixon, Edmund (Nickson), of Cheshire, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric. 2 Nov., 1621, aged 18; B.A. 7 July, 1624, as Nixon. [25],

Nixon, John, s. Rich., of Oxford (city), pleb. privilegiatus 20 Sept., 1666, aged 28.

Nixon, John, s. William, of Berkhampstead, Herts, paup. Balliol Coll., matric. 3 July, 1712, aged 19, B.A. 1716; M.A. from King's Coll., Cambridge, 1723, F.R.S. 1745, born at Berkhampstead 1 Nov., 1695, rector of Seizencote, co. Gloucester, 1723, vicar of Loxley, co. Warwick, 1730, rector of Cold Higham, and vicar of Easton Neston, Northants, 1742, until his death in 1777. See Rawl. v. 388, xviii. 159; & Foster's Index Eccl.

Nixon, Joseph, of London, pleb. St. John's Coll., matric. 2 July, 1590, aged 18; B.A. 1 July, 1594, M.A. 26 June, 1598, B.D. 24 April, 1610, vicar of Compton 1608, and rector of Great or West Shefford 1613, and of Ashbury, Berks, 1626; father of the next-named and of Thomas. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Nixon, Joseph, of Berks, cler. fil. Queen's Coll., matric. 16 March, 1620-1, aged 16; B.A. from Pembroke Coll. 19 Oct., 1624, M.A. 1 June, 1627, rector of Little Burstead, Essex, 1631-7, and of Buttermere, Wilts, 1637, rector of Great or West Shefford, Berks, 1660; brother of Thomas. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Nixon, Ralph (Nickson), pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric. 21 July, 1651, B.A. 13 Feb., 1654-5, as Nixon. [30]

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