Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/215

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% to % inch in length, moderately stout, without an umbilicus, and similar to E. angulatum, except that the 7 to 8 costae per whorl are thinner, more highly developed and usually quite angular. Moderately common from low water to 120 fathoms. Alias muricata Sby., spina-rosae Morch and pre- tiosula Morch. Subgenus Gyroscala Boury 1887 Epitonium lamellosum Lamarck Lamellose Wentletrap Plate 2 23 South half of Florida and the Caribbean. Also Europe. % to I % inches in length, without an umbilicus. 1 1 whorls whitish with irregular, brownish markings. Costae thin, high, always white. Characterized by a fairly strong, raised, spiral thread on the base of the shell. Moderately common from low water to 33 fathoms. Ahas E. clathrmn of authors, not Linne. Epitonium rupicola Kurtz Brown-banded Wentletrap Plate 2 2e Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Florida and to Texas. /4 to I inch in length, moderately stout to slender, and without an um- bilicus. Color whitish or yellowish with 2 brownish, spiral bands on each side of the suture. Color often diffused. About 1 1 globose whorls, each of which has from 12 to 18 weak or strong costae. Former, thickened varices sometimes present. Base of shell with a single, fine, spiral thread. Formerly known as lineatum Say and reynoldsi Sby. Common from low water to about 20 fathoms. Epitonium indianorum Carpenter Money Wentletrap Forrester Island, Alaska, to Lower California. I inch in length, slender, pure white, of 1 1 whorls, each of which has 13 to 14 sharp costae which are slightly bent backwards. The tops of the costae are slightly pointed. Fairly common offshore. Superfamily HIPPONICACEA Family HIPPONICIDAE Genus Cheilea Modeer 1793 Cheilea equestris Linne False Cup-and-saucer Plate 2ip Southeast Florida and the West Indies.