Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/537

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a purple flush, and with a strong splotch of purple at each end of the dorsal margin. Common in shallow waters of bays along the shore. Genus Iphigenia Schumacher 1817 Iphigenia brasiliensis Lamarck Giant False Donax Plate 32U South half of Florida and the West Indies. 2 to 2/4 inches in length, rather heavy, elongate, roughly diamond- shaped in side view and moderately inflated. Posterior dorsal slope flattish. Exterior smoothish, cream with a purple-stained beak area. Commonly en- tirely covered with a thin, glossy, brown periostracum. Moderately common in shallow water in sand. Family SANGUINOLARIIDAE Genus Sangiiinolaria Lamarck 1799 Sangiiinolaria cruenta Solander Atlantic Sanguin Plate 4od South Florida, the Gulf States and the West Indies. I % to 2 inches in length, moderately compressed, the left valve slightly flatter than the right. With a slight posterior gape. Exterior glossy, smooth, except for minute concentric scratches. Pallial sinus with a U-shaped hump at the top. Color white with the beaks and area below a bright-red which fades ventrally into white. Uncommon in the West Indies, rare in Florida. 5. sanguinolenta Gmelin is a later name for this species. Subgenus Nuttallia Dall 1898 Sanguinolaria mittalli Conrad Nuttall's Mahogany Clam Plate 29X Monterey, California, to Lower California. 2% to 3% inches in length. A handsome species characterized by its smooth, oval form, glossy nut-brown color, with its right valve almost flat and its left valve inflated. External ligament like a brown leather button. Interior whitish, commonly with rosy or purplish blush. Common near estu- aries in 6 to 8 inches of mud. Genus Asaphis Modeer 1793 Asaphis deflorata Linne Gaudy Asaphis Plate 40a Southeast Florida and the West Indies.