Page:An account of the English colony in New South Wales.djvu/19

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I. Transports hired to carry convicts to Botany Bay.—The Sirius and Supply commissioned.—Preparations for sailing.—Numbers embarked.—Fleet sails.—Regulations on board the transports.—Arrival of the Fleet at Teneriffe.—Some particulars respecting the town of Santa Cruz.—The fleet leaves Teneriffe, and puts to sea.—Arrive at the Brazils.—Transactions at Rio de Janeiro.—Passage to the Cape of Good Hope.—Depart for New South Wales.—Captain Phillip sails onward in the Supply.—January 1788.—The South Cape of New Holland made.—The Sirius and her convoy anchor in the harbour of Botany Bay.—The Governor proceeds to Port Jackson, where it is determined to fix the settlement.—Two French ships under M. De La Perouse arrive at Botany Bay.—The Sirius and convoy arrive at Port Jackson.—Commission and Letters Patent read.—Account of the different courts.—The Supply sent to Norfolk Island.—Transactions.—Natives.—Weather. 1
II. Broken Bay visited.—M. De La Perouse sails.—Transactions.—The Supply returns.—Lord Howe Island discovered.—Some convicts wounded by the natives.—Scurvy.—Excursions into the country.—Return of Stock in the colony in May.—A convict wounded.—Some rush-cutters killed by the natives.—Governor’s excursion.—Behaviour of the convicts.—Cattle lost.—Natives.—Earthquake.—Transports sail for England.—Supply sails for Norfolk Island.—Transactions.—Natives.—Convicts wounded.—Heavy rain.—Public works.—Sheep stolen.—Island discovered.—Fish.—Imposition on a convict.—Na-