Page:Anne's house of dreams (1920 Canada).djvu/40

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him try running the farm next year. I may, for Mr. Barry doesn’t think he’ll want to rent it much longer, and some new arrangement will have to be made.”

“Well, you certainly have a lovely day for your wedding, Anne,” said Diana, as she slipped a voluminous apron over her silken array. “You couldn’t have had a finer one if you’d ordered it from Eaton’s.”

“Indeed, there’s too much money going out of this Island to that same Eaton’s,” said Mrs. Lynde indignantly. She had strong views on the subject of octopus-like department stores, and never lost an opportunity of airing them. “And as for those catalogues of theirs, they’re the Avonlea girls’ Bible now, that’s what. They pore over them on Sundays instead of studying the Holy Scriptures.”

“Well, they’re splendid to amuse children with,” said Diana. “Fred and Small Anne look at the pictures by the hour.”

I amused ten children without the aid of Eaton’s catalogue,” said Mrs. Rachel severely.

“Come, you two, don’t quarrel over Eaton’s catalogue,” said Anne gaily. “This is my day of days, you know. I’m so happy I want every one else to be happy, too.”

“I’m sure I hope your happiness will last, child,” sighed Mrs. Rachel. She did hope it truly, and believed it, but she was afraid it was in the nature of a challenge to Providence to flaunt your happiness