Page:Antidote against the infectious contagion of popery and tyranny.pdf/10

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Cruelty created Viſcount of Dundee, they murdered many in cold Blood, made Priſoners of a great many others, forced ſome Thouſands into Baniſhment, and waſted the Country in a Manner almost incredible to be believed; as the Acts of the Revolution-parliament, and Hiſtories of theſe Times, do proport; the ſame alſo who vigorouſly oppoſed our Deliverance from Popery and Tyranny at the Revolution, and who as they maintain an irreconcileable Enmity againſt the Reformation intereſt, have ſundry Times ſince, and particularly in the 1715, renewed their War for Antichriſt and his Members. And are not the preſent Gang for the moſt part Roman Catholicks? as by comparing their own Accounts of the places whence they are ſaid to have come, with the Account of Papiſts given by the Society in Scotland for propaganing Christian Knowledge, is apparent to the World. And are not the moſt part of them ſuch Wretches as by their Practice evidence they have no other Regard for Honour, Obedience or Government, than as by a Revolution and Alteration of Affairs, and ſtopping the Courſe of Juſtice for a Time, they may improve to themſelves an opportunity of robbing and plundering their Neighbours?

4, That the Pretender and his Abettors are the Rod of God's Indignation upon us, ſeems further evident from their irreligious and immoral Practices in the Courſe of the preſent War. We incline not to rake into Dunghills, nor to expoſe our Brethrens Shame; but, if they themſelves have declared their Sin as Sodom, who can be angry at our mentioning the ſame as Matter of Humiliation both before God and the World? Now, if, inſtead of receiving the only true God, they be found either chargeable with Idolatry, as in their Confutation of the Story about Father Graham they have avow'd; if, inſtead of receiving and obſerving all God's Ordinances, there be among them Worſhippers of Images, and ſuch as have made the Houſes for God's Worship and the Seats of the ſupreme