Page:Antidote against the infectious contagion of popery and tyranny.pdf/11

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Civil and Eccleſiaſtick Courts of the Nation, either Houſes of Office or the Repoſitories for their Armoury and ſtolen Baggage: if inſtead of reverencing the Names, Titles and Attributes of God, they ſhall be found dreadful Curſers and Swearers: and if, inſtead of ſanctiſying the Lord's Day, they ſhall be found to have been the Mean of ſtopping the outward Sanctification thereof in the Place, and open Profaners, thereof, by Marching, Shooting, Playing on Bag-pipes; ere, Shall nor God avenged on them for theſe Things? And for the ſecond Table of God's Law, unleſs Rebellion againſt and ſpeaking Evil of Dignities, Murder, Whoredom, Stealing, Lying, and Covetoutneſs, in the literal Meaning of the Law, be a paying Regard thereto, this Hoſt have ſhown little or none of it. Can it then be reaſonably expected that any Good will come to us by ſuch inſtruments? And,

5to That the preſent Attempt for ſetting the Pretender upon our Throne, is a clear Proof of the Lord's Diſpleaſure with us, is further evident from the native Fruits and Effects which it would inevitably produce to Religion, to the King, and to the Country in general.

1mo, That the true Religion were thereby greatly endangered, we need only advert to theſe Things: (1.) That this Pretender is a profeſſed Papiſt, and all his Family brought up in the ſame Faith, from which never one of them have ſwerved, ſo far as to pretend the leaſt Affection to Proteſtantiſm, and who muſt therefore (in a Conſiſtency therewith) look upon all Proteſtants as vile Hereticks; this having been made a fundamental Article of the Doctrine of the Mother of Harlots by the Council of Conſtance, and which was practiſed upon John Huſs and Jerome of Prague, in bloody Characters, even after the Council had pledged their Faith for their Safety. Moreover, they must keep no Faith with ſuch Hereticks further than to ſerve their own and the Intereſts of Holy Mother: as witneſs the Conduct of Queen Mary of Scotland to her Subjects, Queen Mary of England

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