Page:Antidote against the infectious contagion of popery and tyranny.pdf/15

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tho' it were to be expected a wiſe King would not thus prejudge his Subjects for the ſake of others, yet conſidering the prior Obligation that the Pretender lies under to the French both in point of Debt and Gratitude, and the ſolemn Aſſurances he hath doubtleſs many Times given unto them, and more eſpecially the Dependence that he behoved neceſſarily to have upon them for guarantying him hereafter, the Preſumption of Favour ſeems to ly on the Side of the French. (3.) The Debts preſently affecting the Crown behoved either to be paid, or the Faith of the preſent Government pledged for them broke, and ſome Thouſands thereby reduced to Miſery; which were an effectual Way of expoſing the Nation to the Imputation of Bankruptcy through the whole World. (4.) Our truſty Friends the Dutch, whoſe Fleets are equal to ours, and conjoined with is in point of Intereſt, whoſe Liberality has maintained many of our jealous Anceſtors when they could not for the Cruelty of the start get leave to draw their Breath in their own native Land, whoſe Navy and Army were under God the principal Means of our Deliverance at the evolution, and whoſe Treaſuries have been our Reſort on ſundry Occaſions, would then be expoſed to two Fires, have a plauſible Pretext for turning their Aims againſt us, and operating their payment by the Sword. (5.) Beſides the Diſaffected among ourſelves, who would for the foreſaid Reaſons be in all Probability very numerous, K. George's Family would in that ſuppoſed Event be the Pretenders to our Crown, and have as good a Right to invade us as the other, ſeeing he hath alſo obtained the Conſent of the whole Nation, and the Conſtitution of Parliament, which is as much as the Pretender's Anceſtors had: And withal, his Strength to ſupport his Pretenſions would be much greater than that of the preſent Pretender, he having not only hereditary Dominions of his own, and the Kings of Pruſſia, Denmark, and the Princes of Orange, Heſſe-Caſſel, &c. for his Friends, and the Emperor and