Page:Archæologia Americana—volume 2, 1836.djvu/591

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LETTER OF I)K. ADAM CLARKE. 555 Society of Antiquaries ; but most earnestly do I wish, that the Mammoth Cave at Kentucky may be explored, to the farthest adit of its main passage, as well as to those of its different ramifications or forks. From its dark recesses, much light may be yet reflected on the grand subject of your inquiries. Its mummy has already told much, and may yet tell more, concerning the people to which it originally appertained. I shall feel it a pleasure to render the contents of this volume as public as possible. ###•*#* With heartiest good wishes for the prosperity and honor of the American Antiquarian Society, and high personal consid- eration for yourself, I am, Dear Sir, Your obliged humble servant, Adam Clarke. Peter S. Du Ponceau, Esq., Philadelphia.