Page:Arrian's Voyage Round the Euxine Sea Translated.djvu/154

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up 562½ ſtadia, or 70 Greek miles, or nearly 64¼ Engliſh miles. Saythen, 64.326: 660:: 69.5:713.09, which is not far from Mr. Rennel's concluſion, though not founded on his calculations.

Let us now ſee how the account will ſtand, according to his own computation. 51.28 Engl. m.=56 Greek m.:660:: 69.5:817.22; very different from Mr. Rennel's calculation of 707 to a degree.

As to what Mr. Rennel ſays reſpecting the diſtance being by the Theodoſian or Peutingerian Tables 61 m. p. I anſwer, that I have theſe now before me, in Bertius's edition of Ptolemy's Geography, and find that there are two roads' put down from Olympia to Lacedæmon, one the more direct by Melæna, the other following for a conſiderable part of it the ſea coaſt. The more direct road has the diſtances marked on it no farther than from Olympia to Melaena, which laſt place is ſet down as 12 miles from Olympia, which, by Mr. D'Anville's map, appears to be nearly the true diſtance; but no farther ſpecifications are to be found for the remainder of the way.

The road by the coaſt is as follows; with the diſtances as marked in the tables, and thoſe meaſured in a ſtrajght line in Mr. D'Anville's map of Greece.
