Page:Arrian's Voyage Round the Euxine Sea Translated.djvu/55

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Arrian obſerves in this part of the work, that the Pontic ſea was much leſs ſalt than the ſea without the Helleſpont, on account of the numerous rivers, which diſcharge themſelves into it. [1] Strabo and other writers make the ſame obſervation, and aſcribe it to the ſame cauſe. Modern accounts agree with ancient [2] in this reſpect.

From the Phaſis to the Chariens go ftadia. This is the Chariſius of Ptolemy, and, according to him, lies N. E. of the mouth of the Phaſis, with 15′ difference of latitude, equal to 17.4 Engliſh miles. It ſeems in the Ruſſian map to be about ten Greek miles, or 80 ſtadia, from the mouth of the Phaſis. In the Peutingerian Tables, only three miles are ſet down, as the diſtance from the Phaſis to the Chariens, and 16 miles from the Chariens to the Chobus. Theſe numbers are probably erroneous; but the whole diſtance from the Phaſis to the Chobus is not ſo different from the one given by Arrian, as to make it probable that they uſed a different calculation.

From the Chariens to the [3] Chobus 90 ſtadia. According to ſome modern maps, a place of the name of Copi ſtill remains at the mouth of this river. From the Chobus to the Singamis 210 ſtadia. The Greek copy of Ptolemy makes the difference of latitude between the Chariitus and Siganeum to be 30 minutes, equal, as was then ſuppoſed, to 300 ſtadia, which is exactly the diſtance

  1. Διὸ καὶ γλυκύτατον εἶναι τὸν Πόντον. Strab. lib. i. Ipſum mare Ponticum dulcius quam caetera. Fragm. Sallfuſtii.Amm. Marc. xxii. c. 8.

    Copia tot laticum, qnas auget, adulterat undas;

    Nec patitur vires aequor habere fuas.

    Ovid. Ep. lib. iv. ep. 10.

    Vimque fretum multo perdit ab amne ſuam.

    lbid. verf. 46.
  2. Tournefort remarks, that it is certain that the water of the Black ſea is leſſ briny than the water of our ſeas. Deſc of the Canal of the Black Sea.
  3. In D'Anville's map the Chariens and the Chobus ſeem to have changed places, as he lays down the Chobus to the South of the Chariens, whereas Arrian puts it to the North.