Page:Arrian's Voyage Round the Euxine Sea Translated.djvu/67

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From Tios to the river Billaeus 20 ſtadia. This river is mentioned by [1] Apollonius as a dark coloured water, and is noticed by Pliny.

From the River Billaus to the river Parthenius 100 ſtadia. This river is mentioned by [2] Homer, and in a commentary on the paſſage, it is deſcribed as "fluens per regiones valde arnoenas et valde placide, unde hoc delicatum nomen nactus eſt." It is called a very gentle river by [3]Apollonius. Tournefort ſays, the Greeks retain its name, calling it Partheni, but the Turks call it Dolap. He confirms the opinion that its name was derived from its beauty, and the flowery meadows through which it flows, which had been before obſerved by [4] Strabo. It is placed by Ptolemy 19′ to the eaſt of Tion, equal to about 10% Engliſh miles, or 144 ſtadia, not very different from Arrian. It was the boundary between Bithynia and Paphlagonia.,

From the Parthenius to Amaiſtris'90 ſtadia. Amaſtris is deſcribed by Strabo as ſituated on a peninſula, the iſthmus of which forms a port on each ſide. This correſponds exactly

  1. Ὅσσους Βιλλαίοιο μέλαν περίαγουνται ὕδωρ. Argon. lib. ii. ver. 791.

    Plin. lib. vi. c. x. The Billæus is repreſented in a coin of Antoninus Pius under a female form, with ears of com and a cornucopia. Vaillant, Numiſm. Græc.

  2. Il. ii. verſ 854. See Damm's Lexic. vox Παρθ.
  3. Καὶ δὴ Παρθενίοιο ῥοὰς ἁλιμυρήεντος,
    Πρηϋτάτου ποταμοῦ, παρεμέτρεον.
    Argon. lib. ii. ver. 936.

    Scymnus Chius deſcribes the Parthenius as a gentle river, but large enough to be navigable. Veril 226, 22.7.

  4. Strab. lib. xii. In Vaillant's Numiſmat. Græca, there is an account of a medal of Marc. Aurelius, with the river Parthenius on the reverſe, repreſented by the figure of a young man with a reed in his right hand, and leaning on an eminence, out of which the river flows, with an inſcription, ΑΜΑϹΤΡΙΑΝΩΝ ΠΑΡΘΕΝΙΟΣ.