Page:As You Like It (1919) Yale.djvu/43

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As You Like It, II. iv

Cor. That is the way to make her scorn you still.

Sil. O Corin, that thou knew'st how I do love her!

Cor. I partly guess, for I have lov'd ere now. 24

Sil. No, Corin; being old, thou canst not guess,
Though in thy youth thou wast as true a lover
As ever sigh'd upon a midnight pillow:
But if thy love were ever like to mine,— 28
As sure I think did never man love so,—
How many actions most ridiculous
Hast thou been drawn to by thy fantasy?

Cor. Into a thousand that I have forgotten. 32

Sil. O! thou didst then ne'er love so heartily.
If thou remember'st not the slightest folly
That ever love did make thee run into,
Thou hast not lov'd: 36
Or if thou hast not sat as I do now,
Wearing thy hearer with thy mistress' praise,
Thou hast not lov'd:
Or if thou hast not broke from company 40
Abruptly, as my passion now makes me,
Thou hast not lov'd. O Phebe, Phebe, Phebe!


Ros. Alas, poor shepherd! searching of thy wound,
I have by hard adventure found mine own. 44

Touch. And I mine. I remember, when I was
in love I broke my sword upon a stone, and bid
him take that for coming a-night to Jane Smile;
and I remember the kissing of her batler, and
the cow's dugs that her pretty chopped hands
had milked; and I remember the wooing of a 50
peascod instead of her, from whom I took two

31 fantasy: imagination
38 Wearing: wearing out
43 thy wound; cf. n.
44 adventure: hazard, chance
48 batler: bat for beating clothes in the process of washing
49 chopped: chapped
51 peascod; cf. n.