Page:Autobiography of an Androgyne 1918 book scan.djvu/248

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A Corporal, a Private, and Me.

(Air original.)

Dedicated to Corporal Frank B.

As I was walking on the beach,
A corporal did me see;
He said right off, "Dear Baby June,
Will you my wifie be?"
I fainted quite,
From joy, not fright,
And in his arms did fall;
I nestled there,
So free from care,
And called to him, "My all!"

As we did talk on the sandy walk,
A private came stalking by;
He said right off, "'There's Baby June,
The girl for whom I'd die!"
To see him by,
I had to cry,
I was so happy then;
Head on his blouse,
I breathed my vows
To both artillerymen.

I took their brawny hands in mine,
Then kissed till they were sore;
I slapped and slapped each soldier brave,
These mighty men of war;
For their love taps,
And playful slaps,
I also entered plea:—
Sweet words they breathed,
While me they wreathed,
Down by the murmuring sea.