Page:Autobiography of an Androgyne 1918 book scan.djvu/251

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Wild Arthur McCann.[1]

(Air: "Sweet Rosy O'Grady")

O down at Blanco fort, that overlooks the deep blue sea,
I found a big ferocious brave on guard the other day;
His name is Art McCann, and O, I don't mind telling thee,
That he's the wildest fiercest Art—that's ever come my way.


Wild Arthur McCann—
He's stolen my heart!
O what a fierce man
Is this big strong Art!
I say he looks fierce—
Fierce, fierce is his face;
I love wild Arthur McCann—
In my heart he holds the first place.

He's not afraid of anything, a man more than the rest;
A man that is a man, enlists, and fights, yea valiantly;
A man in blue!—Red color too is seen upon his breast!
The strong, the mighty brave, who fights!—who is all boy, all he.

Wild, wild, wild, wild!—I could him kiss forever and a day;
Strong, strong, strong, strong! —I do adore prostrate upon the ground;
Brave, brave, brave, brave! —I will him praise and every homage pay;
Fierce, fierce, fierce, fierce!—I would it tell—in all the world around.

  1. The soldier gave me this name, later found to be fictitious. "Blanco" is here inserted in place of the real name of the fort.